Lower leafs with brown spots

Mar 20, 2020
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Problem: Lower leafs brown and crispy, getting worst by day and lack of smell, they smell pretty nice when I touch them but not much of a smell In room.

Medium/grow method: soil 30%perlite

Feed: and supplements used: advanced nutrients,micro, bloom, wodo juice, b52, bud ignator, big bud and overdrive

water source:tap left for 24h

Strain/age: kerosine krush and orange hill special Dutch passion
They are photos, 6 weeks in veg and they are in 4 1/2 weeks in flowering

light used:migro 200 led

Climate:25c day 20-22night
40-50% humidity

Additional info: I have to say that those girls went through a lot, didn't follow instructions for lights it was to close to me to put lights 35cm from seedlings, so first they grew 4cm in first light cycle so I put lights higher on 50% strength and made bushes, manage to snap all of them and had bugs, first I tried with organic pesticides no results, neem oil same then chemical pesticides which worked.

And last picture is a bud who came from white to brown in two day while others are still with white pistils don't know if that is a bad thing.

Thanks and take care.

Are you ph ing your water.?Are you ussing cal/mag?
Yes every time 6,5-7, and cal/mag every two weeks.%

In veg I was a bit of idiot, I made 1l of feeding with for instance 6,5ph and when I didn't get any runoff I would make new with different pH, now I making one for all plants.

They are growing fine no stunt growth, and they smell I rubbed stem under top and they smell nice.

Thanks a lot.
I'd suggest some beneficial microorganisms just to make sure you don't have root issues... i've gotten those symptoms with root rot.
I'd suggest some beneficial microorganisms just to make sure you don't have root issues... i've gotten those symptoms with root rot.
Thanks, is there anything else I should look like symptoms of root rot and can I use wodo juice now in almost week 5 of flowering while wodo should be used in first two weeks of flowering?

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What were the insects that gave you a problem? Check them over well and under the leaves with a magnifier of 20x to make sure they are gone.
What were the insects that gave you a problem? Check them over well and under the leaves with a magnifier of 20x to make sure they are gone.

Had some kind of caterpillar that I brought from balcony, coz tree in front was eaten a lot.

I have 60x magnifier and checking from time to time coz when I had them you could see leaf or tops disapiring during night, aperantly they hide in soil during the night, and I couldn't find apsolutly nothing when light were on so some pesticide went in soil. That's what they told me to do in agriculture farmacy.