Problem: Lower leafs brown and crispy, getting worst by day and lack of smell, they smell pretty nice when I touch them but not much of a smell In room.
Medium/grow method: soil 30%perlite
Feed: and supplements used: advanced nutrients,micro, bloom, wodo juice, b52, bud ignator, big bud and overdrive
water source:tap left for 24h
Strain/age: kerosine krush and orange hill special Dutch passion
They are photos, 6 weeks in veg and they are in 4 1/2 weeks in flowering
light used:migro 200 led
Climate:25c day 20-22night
40-50% humidity
Additional info: I have to say that those girls went through a lot, didn't follow instructions for lights it was to close to me to put lights 35cm from seedlings, so first they grew 4cm in first light cycle so I put lights higher on 50% strength and made bushes, manage to snap all of them and had bugs, first I tried with organic pesticides no results, neem oil same then chemical pesticides which worked.
And last picture is a bud who came from white to brown in two day while others are still with white pistils don't know if that is a bad thing.
Thanks and take care.
Medium/grow method: soil 30%perlite
Feed: and supplements used: advanced nutrients,micro, bloom, wodo juice, b52, bud ignator, big bud and overdrive
water source:tap left for 24h
Strain/age: kerosine krush and orange hill special Dutch passion
They are photos, 6 weeks in veg and they are in 4 1/2 weeks in flowering
light used:migro 200 led
Climate:25c day 20-22night
40-50% humidity
Additional info: I have to say that those girls went through a lot, didn't follow instructions for lights it was to close to me to put lights 35cm from seedlings, so first they grew 4cm in first light cycle so I put lights higher on 50% strength and made bushes, manage to snap all of them and had bugs, first I tried with organic pesticides no results, neem oil same then chemical pesticides which worked.
And last picture is a bud who came from white to brown in two day while others are still with white pistils don't know if that is a bad thing.
Thanks and take care.