Sorry for delay muddy still trying to figure out how to follow posts and all..
I use use PH water zip lock and paper towel. I soak the seeds in a dark cool place for 24hrs making sure they sink. If they develop a tap root during the soak I go ahead and plant. Once soaked they are put in the glad bag with paper towel with about 1 mil of water.
I don't check the seeds but once a day and mist towel if needed.There in my grow room top shelf no lights can get to them. My house is too cold to germ in a drawer or alike so the grow room is my only option..
I do this with bag weed along side in another container to make sure i'm not crazy don't you know
. I end up with 99% germ rate easy. Then I have used the plate method with a paper towel. Same results.
I always germ one seed of $$ and atleast 5-10 bag weed seeds. The lowlife seeds did nothing just got dark. I did the file method on the sides to help ease the soaking and cracking still nothing. I ended up taking a seed of lemonskunk and cracking it open since everything was bunk. I ate it
when a seed is fresh it will taste fresh. This was almost like biting into a uncooked peanut, had a bitter taste to it. Totally immature.
Sad thing is I ordered some Mi5 before the Lowlife seeds and only one seed germinated from them. It developed two roots systems and ended up growing up out of the ground exposing the second root and killing the seedling. Basically a Mc Donalds arch is what it looked like.. I know pics would of been cool >.>
I got over it Muddy and ordered the lowlife the very next day even before getting my seeds I started to come across site after site of Lowlife out of stock.. I was just checking to see if I got a good $$ on seeds you know.. Turns out several sites to include Attitude have let there stock run out. One site posted due to quality issues we will no longer be selling lowlife seeds..
Now keep in mind I had water from a spring up in the mountain where I live, I just discovered last week there is a outhouse at the top of the spring run off so everything I have been growing,testing has human urine+ in it.. This has all be corrected.. I don't think the water was the issue though since I got such a high germ rate from bag weed.
This time around I got some Nirvana and some G-13 since they are companies the believe in germinating your seeds not storing them for a rainy day. I did everything the same I got a 100% germ rate from this order. Keep in mind I had my seeds replaced by the one bank that doesn't replace seeds.. They sent me some really nice extras to keep me coming back, it worked. I really wanted the lemon auto, any idea?
Here is a post of one site that has stopped selling lowlife due to this issue, Keep in mind this is new news guys.
I did a google search " Lowlife seeds quality issues"