Indoor Loving them mars pro

I understand what your saying homie.. I just want to get the light now even if it sits in the box until we move in June . If I don't get it now I won't have the money later to buy it .. in june I'm going to have at least a 4x4 space maybe bigger .. I'd like to have 2 panels .. I'm going to buy it if you don't think I should put it in the closet I won't .. fair ??

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Same here resinous. Ive been following the thread. 2 panels are a great idea. Hell, if u can afford it get it.
Pete I respect you homie !! . I won't put the light in the closet . Or I'll switch out the lights . Maybe take out the mars panel and out the se250 in the closet .. what about that???

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24 in going to get me dense nugs pete

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18-24 is golden for flower. And yeah if your planning ahead and put want to switch out that's fine....I was just scared u were going to run both and I know u would have been pissed with results lol. Vic should b able to give u very accurate canopy to light distances...
Pete I remember a couple months ago talking with victor and he told me if I could cram the se450 in the closet then do it!! Put it's too wide ..

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Ok boys !! I just put the money on my card I'm fixing to order the light !! Pretty excited

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Nice man! I'm about to chop 13" Tyrone special lol I'll let u know weights by end of day compare to the ultimate....about same size but yours is more filled she is