Harvest & Curing Looking for simple solution--Keeping jarred bud moist


El Colibri
Sep 16, 2011
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I live where rain is viewed as a miracle and, of course, the windshield wipers are invariably cracked and disintegrate upon turning on.

I am ready with humidity needs for curing/long term storage. My problem is that I like to have variety and now have many small 4 oz. big mouth jars with a few grams or just a drop in the bucket of bud. Additionally, I use very little and probably waste a good deal via vaporizer. Looking at RH now it is 27% in room and 27%, which makes sense, in the jars. Too many jars to invest in multi. Boveda and the jars too small anyway.

How about just cutting very small pieces of sponge and soak/squeeze and place in jars until RH hits 50% or so. And by the way, I read a tread from another forum--an individual stated that he placed a healthy canna leaf in each jar for moister. May just be a losing battle and I will need to stop this madness.

Others may be interested in a quick and convenient fix.

Thanks CG :howdy:
I would say make a humidor.
They are fairly simple, basically an airtight box with a hygrometer and some sort of moisture device like a sponge. You can get very fancy, but I know some guys that smoke cigars that would rather spend the money on cigars rather than a high priced humidor, so they bought big plastic bins that are airtight, put racks in them, a hygrometer and a sponge on a dish. They just rehydrate the sponge when they notice the rh dropping. I little bit of trial and error on the size of the sponge , but a pretty cheap solution.
gtron - send me some of that Gulf Stream humidity. Thanks for jumping on this. CG
you could get a big Rubbermade type bin to make a humidor with, keep your jars in there partially cracked for a while to let them all reach the median rh and then close them up tight again, leave jars in your budget humidor and they should stay at optimum rh.

I am sort of like you, a little goes long way.

PS. we have humidity, but this year was a frigging drought! So bad, many veggy gardeners could not keep their gardens from drying up.
What do you think. Just borrowed this from another forum. Credit to author.

How do I Re-Moisten Dry Buds?
Adding moisture to a smoking bag of over-dried, crispy buds is easy. All you need is a sealed container (A Ziploc bag or a 1-quart jar works good), fresh fan leaves and about a day’s time.

1) Put your over dried buds into a Ziploc bag or a 1 quart mason jar (I prefer the mason jar).

2) Add a few freshly cut fan leaves (fresh shoots work great too) to your jar or baggie. I use about 3-5 leaves to half a mason jar. Start with a few leaves; add more leaves as necessary. Fan leaves will become dry and shriveled when they given up their moisture.

If fresh leaf is unavailable, a small piece of lettuce, or apple/orange/potato peel can be used as well. A paper towel with a few drops of water on it also does the trick.

3) The final step is to wait about a day. How long it takes depends on how much bus in the container and how dry the buds were. It has worked as fast as 5 hrs.

Check the container at least once a day. The buds will have a nice, soft texture will not feel crispy or brittle when they are ready. They will smell better too!

Editor’s note:
To re-moisten larger amounts of dry bud, simply scale everything up. You may want to separate large and smaller buds into separate containers.
Once a day, turn the pile of buds over to expose the bottom buds. Check for any signs of rot. The process may take 1-3 days.
I built my own humidor out of a plastic container that I've had for year now. Works very well for cigars or weed. For the sponge I got a piece of the foam that florists use. It's super dense and holds many times it's weight in water. I used a piece of velcro to mount a two piece plastic soap dish to the side and put the sponge in there. Don't use water to wet the sponge. Go to a cigar store and get the solution they sell for use in humidors. It won't evaporate as fast nor will it impart any odor or taste to the buds.

You could one big enough for one of your jars. When it dries out, put it in the humidor for a few days and you're good to smoke.

I would say make a humidor.
They are fairly simple, basically an airtight box with a hygrometer and some sort of moisture device like a sponge. You can get very fancy, but I know some guys that smoke cigars that would rather spend the money on cigars rather than a high priced humidor, so they bought big plastic bins that are airtight, put racks in them, a hygrometer and a sponge on a dish. They just rehydrate the sponge when they notice the rh dropping. I little bit of trial and error on the size of the sponge , but a pretty cheap solution.
If you're just trying to rehydrate crispy ones...
1. Grab a sheet of foil.
2. Fold it in half.
3. Dip your fingers in some water and flick it onto the foil.
4. Fold the edges of the foil and crease shut.
5. Flick your lighter and heat the foil til you hear the water sizzle for a second on each side.
6. Open foil and remove bud.
7. Smoke that shit!
Thanks all. Direhit you combined technical writing into poetry--got to love that finale--smoke that shit. :smokeit:
I've used sm. piece of apple to slightly rehydrate. Works perfectly!! And gives a slight aromatic note to finished product. Personally, I'd rather catch a whiff of apple rather than lettuce.
Can't beat TBM's recommendation of the humidor packets. Just throw one of those in and your set. I love those! I put a digi reader in there with it. Also rec. by TBM. That's suited me just fine for the jar keep. If it get's a bit low for ya, just spritz a shot of water and the humidor packet will balance it back. It's a real cool deal.