Dinafem Looking for a recommendation

So I was ready to chuck the 2 Bubba Kush this morning. but when I woke up I discovered that both sprouted overnight. One took 5 days and the other took 3. The WW sprouted and shed it's husk almost in 36 hrs and now stands at 3" so I guess I was expecting the same from the BK. My plan was to grow 2 but now I'll have 3. I have plenty of light and space so it won't be a problem.

I'll post pics when they look like something...cheers!
Apologies to Dinafem and Seedsman. All 3 seeds have sprouted and are doing fine. If a rep from either company reads this I'd just like to say sorry for being a dick.
So I ordered 2 white Widow auto and 2 Bubba Kush auto from seedsman. I wanted to grow one of each so I germinated a WW and BK by putting them in a glass of water for 24 hrs and then a damp paper towel. The WW sprouted right away bu the BK didn't. After about a week a tried sprouting a 2nd BK but same as the first..nothing doing. I'll sprout the 2nd WW tonight and see what happens. I know it's not my germinating technique as I've done this countless times and I keep everything as sterile as I can. I'm pretty sure the Bubba Kush seeds are NG because of temps (august) and handling. I don't think I'll order from a 3rd party ever again as the extra handling and time involved seems to stress the auto seeds too much. The time of year probably had a lot to do with it also. My success rate ordering directly from Mephisto is 100% so I think I'll be ordering from them going forward. If Dinafem change their policy and ship direct to the US then I'll give them a shot again, but I won't order them through a 3rd party. This isn't the first time I ordered seeds from seedsman that tuned out to be duds.

I'm bummed..not because of the money, but more because of the time involved. I'd pay extra just to have them show up unstressed and ready to sprout.

This is not good and something I will try my best to correct. As you said it's not the money rather the fact that the seeds have failed .

We do take every precaution to stop this from happening but it can. When it does we make it right :pass:

As they were brought from a secondary source and not direct I can not say how the seed were stored etc.

This should not happen and personally I would not be happy. Let me try to make this right my friend. Look out for a pm please :thumbsup:

All the best

Apologies to Dinafem and Seedsman. All 3 seeds have sprouted and are doing fine. If a rep from either company reads this I'd just like to say sorry for being a dick.

Well I wish j had read this before my previous post lol

Glad the seeds are up and ready to show the world what they can do :pass:

All the best

So..I went out of town for a week and I asked my wife if she could feed them while I was gone, Long story short...she gave full strength nute mix and the White Widow got scorched but the Bubba Kush ate it up like a champ. The Bubba Kush auto is now 43" at 6 weeks and still growing. The WW is 6 1/2 weeks and has stopped stretching. I gave the WW a really good flush when I got home and fed it 1/2 strength grow nutes. It has recovered nicely but I think the hot nute mix stunted it. It's at around 28"

The Auto Bubba Kush looks like it will be a good yielder. The White Widow is putting out a serious skunky smell. Both are developing nice bud structure.

The big takeaway so far (for me) is that Dinafem White Widow seems to like 1/2 strength GoBox nutes and no more than that. Gobox is my only frame of reference but I'm sure others have different results with other ferts. I must say though...so far so good. Really impressed with Dinafem so far..and my Timber lights!

I'm really looking forward to harvesting these girls!


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I just checked my stock of General Hydroponics Bloom and I'm out. Wondering if I should order another or go with something else?

Any thoughts or ideas will be super appreciated!
I just checked my stock of General Hydroponics Bloom and I'm out. Wondering if I should order another or go with something else?

Any thoughts or ideas will be super appreciated!

Have you thought about @RemoNutrients ?

We are seeing amazing results from this line. Also, GKOrganics is very good. Available in powder and liquid form :pass:

All the best
