Live Stoners Long Time Stoner, First Time Grower

Definitely feeling the love! Wish I could *puff* *puff* *pass* with this group. Hopefully I'm not proven wrong, but there seems to be a lot less trolling on these boards, which I love. Being the new guy on some of these other forums can be brutal. Ask a question and the only thing you walk away with is feeling like an idiot as opposed to learning something new. I'll save the Snickelfritz for them.
Lol yeah they can have the fritz!!!!
Well T.C. I'm happy to say you've found your home! All of our members are very helpful and share things with one another. We all try very very hard to keep an awesome vibe around here and trolling and spamming are stopped immediately. Both the staff and the community here are the best you will find. I honestly deleted my Facebook to hangout here all day. This community has given me awesome friendships, great laughs and more knowledge then I could ever share alone. So with that being said it's awesome to have another laid back like minded member joining up. Your going to love it around here !!!!!
Also if you stick around and get a thread completed we have some awesome competitions and fun little games for good standing members to partake in!
If you need anything on the fly check out the live stoners thread. Always jam packed with random fun and someone around to talk to. We also have an infirmary and 24 hope live help thread where there alwayss someone asks to help in an emergency and if there will be no staff member four holiday or something you will be notified in the top banner. Hope your enjoying yourself around the community so far. What nutrients are you planning to use? We have a lot of auto scheduled for numerous lines in the soil fertilizer thread. Might be able to find something helpful if your curious about a general feeding schedule to work off of.
I'm pumped to do my first ever grow journal. My seeds are supposed to arrive tomorrow as well as my AutoPots. For nutrients I am going with Dutch Pro Autoflower (A & B) for both Grow and Bloom. I also got Dutch Pro Explode for when flowers begin to show. I'm still trying to decide on what to get for root growth as well as what additive to help keep the reservoir and lines clean. This will be my first auto and first hydro grow.
I'm pumped to do my first ever grow journal. My seeds are supposed to arrive tomorrow as well as my AutoPots. For nutrients I am going with Dutch Pro Autoflower (A & B) for both Grow and Bloom. I also got Dutch Pro Explode for when flowers begin to show. I'm still trying to decide on what to get for root growth as well as what additive to help keep the reservoir and lines clean. This will be my first auto and first hydro grow.
Oh man I'm excited to see this one go down! I know there's a lot of people curious about those nutrients because they are made just for autoflowers. Can you post a pic of their recommended feeding schedule, a link to where you purchased them and the prices? When you get your thread up do you mind tagging me? I'm super interested in this.
Most definitely! When I read about them I was stoked. Took me hours and many phone calls to find a place stateside where you can buy them. In the UK they're everywhere, but shipping is always insane.

They should be arriving tomorrow or Saturday. I'll be sure to create a thread, share all info, etc. And definitely a full grow using these products. You will be tagged. In the mean time, you can go here and order:

This company is in Texas, and all orders ship for free if it is over $100. For 2 liters each each (Autoflower Bloom A&B and Autoflower Grow A&B) and 250ml of Explode (only 8 ounces, but it is gets diluted big time) cost me $114. The A&B come in multiple sizes, but the 1 liter retails for $25. The Explode is the pricier one; $62.00 for 250ml but everyone seems to love it. They do carry the entire product line. Photoperiod nutes, additives, etc.

More info to come!