Live Stoners Long time lurker speaks up!


Cultivators Club
Nov 16, 2015
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Hey every body,
I've been reading and researching auto's and DWC for about a year now, and I'm getting ready to pull the trigger. I have a few photo period grows under my belt, but I am still a total noob. I am a medical cannabis patient and hope to produce enough meds so I no longer have to purchase them.

I am currently in the process of getting things together, and have a question for all of you experienced DWC growers out there.

I'm planning a 4x4 tent, with a mars II 1200 led. As I said, I'm planning on trying out DWC. I'm trying to decide weather I should go for two 5 gallon size DWC buckets, or the six site 3.5 gallon bubble boy system?

My thoughts are the six site system would be better as I would be (trying, lol) to harvest meds from 4 or 6 plants, instead of hedging my bets on two bigger plants.

Knowing myself, I'll probably screw something up along the way, and I think more plants would give me a better chance of being successful.

Thoughts? :smoking:

ps: I'm thinking about the GH flora series for nutes.

Any help is greatly appreciated.:cheers:
More plants gives you a better chance of both being successful and screwing things up even more.
This from someone who is in the middle of my first DWC grow...2 5 gallon buckets will fill the whole tent. My 1 bucket is taking over my tent so be ready for that. Also more plants will probably mean more work - from beginning to end especially at harvest time.
Can't say anything about your nutes as I use AN and have had zero issues to date.
I'm interested to see which route you go. Either way you'll be swimming in buds before too long. Good luck man!
Thanks @dcat0921 t! My plan with the 3.5 gallon buckets was to stagger plants in order to have a harvest every three or four weeks (having plants at different stages of growth). I thought I would start with 2 or three plants over the course of a month, and try to judge how many more to add (or not).

I really took a hard look at the AN line of nutes. The cost is pretty high in my opinion. I do like the PHperfect aspect of them, and still might decide to go with that line.....maybe. The GH line of nutes seems a little more reasonable to me, and people seem to get damn good results from them. As I said, this is still in the planning stages for a few more weeks until I close on my house and move in, and can get the ball rolling.
Staggering the grows would be a smart idea. Keeps from getting overgrown and also allows you to have constant supply of goodies.
I'm using @TaNgs easy feed schedule - only 4 nutes so I don't think it's too bad. It is shocking how much nutes you'll use when they start drinking heavily.
Good idea to plan in out carefully instead of just jumping in like some have done. Either way I think you'll do just fine whichever way you go.
Let me know when you decide so I can follow along on your grow.
Welcome Frank

We're Streaking - we're going up through the quad to the gymnasium!! :D

Happy growing! Hope we can get your meds bill down!! :d5:
Glad you finally joined .. I do no know much about DWC but if your growing just for yourself I would suggest starting smaller or stagger your grow by starting 2 plants then 2 more.. I would not suggest more then 5 plants in a 4x4 but that's just me.. I wish you success in whatever you do.
starting 2 plants then 2 more
Thanks Ripper! My plan is to eventually have a perpetual autoflower garden I can harvest from once a month or so. I'm thinking about getting that 3.5 gallon six pot system, and start one every week and a half or so until I get three plants, and see how that goes (germing a new seed after each harvest) and see how the space is. If I feel there is room for more plants I might add an additional eventually, until I have a decent canopy.

I wish you success in whatever you do.
Thank you! :pass:
Also, what is everyone's opinion on the multi site dwc (tote-style) systems? I've also contemplated building a few 2 or 3 site totes (maybe in the 15 or 20 gallon range). I don't see a whole lot of people using them, but that probably means absolutely nothing. If any one has an opinion on these style dwc's please chime in. Thank you all! :vibes: