Live Stoners Long time grower, new to indoor and autoflower.

Ozzie Greenthumb

Grow it gargantuan!
May 16, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gorilla Glue, Northern Lights
Hey afn,
I am Ozz coming to you from the Great Smokey Mountains. Looking to fine tune my skills and master the indoor autoflower grow as I am hoping that cannabis will soon become legal and I can start my own business. I have a journal going with 2 autoflowers and 1 photo. It is day 12 and so far so good. I look forward to hearing all advice and suggestions from anyone and everyone. The cannabis community is the best people in the world. Thanks and go to my journal and chime in as I need all the help I can get! Thanks!
Welcome. You can learn alot perusing the forums. :welcome:
Thanks so much guys!] The girls are looking awesome!both autoflowers are taking the lst without any stress. The experimental photo takes everything i throw at her. I am super stoked! I really believe this is going to be primo bud! Reba the Tangerine Dream has super tight nodes! The same goes for Miranda the Sour Kush. I hate to transplant them, but as much vegetation growth going on I am going to transfer them to 7 gallon smart pots. I have a 2x4x6 tent ordered and glad i do as they are smelling really dank lately. Today is day 14 for the girls they seem to be doing great. Chime in anytime as I welcome all advice and suggestions. Thanks afn network!
Looks like both plants have a slight mutation, but not worried. Seems like each grows couple inches each day! Thoughts on the mutations????