Live Stoners long intro

many thanks Greenskell,
I will check out that book recommendation for sure, although I have to say I feel I am being a bit complacent with my security by downloading grow books and visiting sites and all; you don't get to grow on and off for 37 years by being sloppy on the security front (not that I am a big-time grower-strictly for "personal use").
climate wise, where I am you are not guaranteed good weather, even in the middle of summer, so although I love to give my plants as much sunlight as I can, they're back indoors by nightfall, for a cosy night sleep; its a hassle moving them around, but I do it cos I want the best for my plants. sun= bio-photons.
bought "Flo" from Dutch passion about 6 years ago, and 4 out of 5 seeds had a mosaic virus right from the get-go,
one was fine and went on to be a fine healthy green, the only other survivor (which I had to nurse back to health-these seeds were not cheap!), eventually turned into the nicest purple-tinged gal -which would be down to the Thai that DJ short had in the mix), very pretty! it developed one male flower which I used to pollinate a Misty (related to White widow), and never got around to growing cos, Flo, didn't really do it for me, though I produced a nice cross with the other green gal, which I called "green flowing mist", kinda edgy though; there was always a bit of a rough ride for a little while on nearly every trip; wish I understood breeding a bit better, but I don't have the time or circumstances unfortunately. those that devote themselves to breeding have my deepest respect.
will check out the other companies for sure, for sure, and thanks again man, will read you around (forum equivalent of see you around!)
Oldbie over and out.
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Hey my new oldie,

cheers for the intro. There is a ton of stuff that should entertain and educate you regards Autos and breeding here on the forum. Please help yourself and do keep in touch my friend.......eP.
Thanks Ep,
so nice to get a friendly welcome from all of you.
yes friend, it sure is a great site; my only concern is that I am going to enjoy too much time browsing it;
I get into a panic around here sometimes with all the "little jobs" I have to do; dig this, I am making my own version of the gull-wing type light reflector (adjust-a-wings/ mantis pro etc.) , and hoping also to rig up a rudimentary light mover; all these things take time, lots of time!
I also got trees to prune, a scratch built custom vehicle to finish, a large veg garden to tend, it just goes on and on.
so much to do, so little time!
sorry don't mean to freak anyone out with the D word.
enough already.
Oldbie over and out