Living with Gastroparesis and the benefits of MMJ

Mar 13, 2014
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I wanted to post a little background information on my medical condition and how medical marijuana saved my life. I live with a condition called Gastroparesis:
Gastroparesis is a disease of the muscles of the stomach or the nerves controlling the muscles that causes the muscles to stop working.
Gastroparesis results in inadequate grinding of food by the stomach, and poor emptying of food from the stomach into the intestine.
The primary symptoms of gastroparesis are nausea and vomiting.

I have had this condition for about 18 months and spent most of it in and out of hospitals for multiple problems associated with the condition; dehydration, malnutrition, weight loss, and a slew of other problems. I had a gastric pacemaker or gastric stimulator placed on Jan 17 2014 to help with motility issues but still have days of extreme nausea/vomiting and inability to eat solid food or digest it. Medical Marijuana was prescribed early on and I had apprehension at first but truly believe it saved my life. I currently am prescribed to take 21 pills a day but with MMJ I am able to take less pills, eat more often, vomit less, and control the nausea. There is no cure for Gastroparesis but MMJ definitely proved to be a beneficial medicine and gave me most of my life back. Before I used MMJ I was not able to eat any food or liquid more than a teaspoon at a time and most of the time would vomit it back up. One of the problems of Gastroparesis is the inability to feel hunger or when one eats a feeling of fullness occurs very quickly. I use MMJ to produce appetite and it works great, also when I eat I do not have chronic nausea as often and can keep most food down and digest it. I will continue to write on this condition and how MMJ is helping cope with the disease. I am an advocate for Medical Marijuana and wish to pass on as much information as I can to help others that my be suffering from a disabling condition like Gastroparesis.
Glad to hear it's working for you ... Hang in there ... :Sharing One:
Hello GR,

Very good success story for medical cannabis. Not the cure all. But one thing Cannabis is suspected of doing, is working with our cannabinoids so when we try to use medications, our bodies absorb and use all the parts of the medication it is supposed to, making it more effective.

There are many concentrated oils, with a low THC effect, that could help you with tense muscles and things like you discribe. Have you ever gone beyond smoking? Or beyond cannabis? To heal yourself?

Let me ask you, if you please, were you ever drawn to cannabis back when you were a kid, and your friends were experimenting? I don't mean did you try it, but if your parents or other moral role models in your life had no influence on you, would you have considered using cannabis more? I mean it is a hard question, but it is a theory of mine.

:Sharing One:


:pH Reading..?:
Thank you G-R for your write up,
like Master Eekmen said on top of cannabis there are alot of natural remedies on site, With good people like Root66 and Eek here with alot of knowleg and information another member to check out is WVR and his recipe for olive oil ticture..

Thank you Ginger root.Awesome that its helped.I wish you all tthe best in your fight.My sister has been living with that for many many years now.A doctor old her hat hers was really bad since she ttook painkillers n stuff for years prior.She said he doc called it narcotic gut..?Ive been trying to talk her into lettting me become her caregiver.But shes really freaked outt by that since its an unknown.Thanks again GR ,and be well.:Sharing One:
Eyes on Fire, I have a severe case of something called idiopathic Gastroparesis which required the implantation of a gastric stimulator but there is hope for your sister. Pain medication or narcotics cause motility or slowing of the stomach issues which is adding fuel to the fire for one with a slow stomach. Pain medication is not an option at all... MMJ is the best option because there are no negative side effects and it may increase appetite and control nausea to a tolerable level as well as relieve pain. I was prescribed a medication called Reglan which is suppose to increase motility or gastric emptying but the side effects are horrendous it causes Parkinsons syndrome. I had just about every side effect and symptom. When I was prescribed MMJ it switched everything. I have very limited motility issues now with the use of MMJ and believe your sister can as well. I am an advocate for its use for medicinal purposes and hope your sister can find it helpful
MasterEekman Yes, I was aware and around cannabis when I was younger; actually it was a big part of my life, I experimented with it frequently. I have tried other methods of cannabis use but have been disappointed with the dispensaries quality of product. The tincture provides no relief and is super expensive, the edibles are also priced extensively, I am hoping to make my own budder soon.
Defiantly wanna try this olive oil tincture. I am familiar to making roasted red pepper olive oil and vinegar mix; is this close?
MasterEekman Yes, I was aware and around cannabis when I was younger; actually it was a big part of my life, I experimented with it frequently. I have tried other methods of cannabis use but have been disappointed with the dispensaries quality of product. The tincture provides no relief and is super expensive, the edibles are also priced extensively, I am hoping to make my own budder soon.

Howdy ginger-root. Great user name.

Must be another one of those uncommon conditions and the list of such is so very long.

Just a couple of thoughts.

Assume it is the endocannabinoids which moderate the condition.

Was wondering about high quality hash for budders/oils and tinctures etc. as opposed to stray buds and trim/leaves and/or spent vap.

By making hash one can: Eliminate any impurities that might negatively effect condition or the quality of the butter. As a consequence, one can use the fine grade hash only = full cannabinoid profile without most of the plant material.

We have been discussing the MagicButter machine on another thread. As you know, heavy plant based oils can be revolting per taste and aroma.

One member and myself are moving towards using hash rather than whole bud or bud/plant scraps/(old spent vape material).
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I am not happy about being on prescribed medication at all; if anything they are causing more problems than help. I am working closely with a herbalists to get off all pharmaceuticals.