Cannabis could help heal broken bones, according to new research.
The class B drug has previously been credited for soothing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and
It was used as a treatment by people from all around the world for centuries, but fell out of favour in the 1930s due to a growing awareness of drug addiction.
Now scientists have found that the drug enhances the healing process in bone fractures and could even help combat painful osteoporosis.
Researchers gave cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD), the non-hallucinatory component of the drug, to rats with fractures.
Within eight weeks, they observed that the
drug had significantly enhanced the healing process.
In earlier research, the team discovered that cannabinoid receptors within our bodies stimulated bone formation and inhibited bone loss. Even the skeleton itself is regulated by cannabinoids.
They claim this suggests cannabinoid drugs could be used to combat bone-related diseases such as
osteoporosis which affects around three million people in Britain.
Study author Doctor Yankel Gabet, of Tel Aviv University in Israel, said: “We found that CBD alone makes bones stronger during healing, enhancing the maturation of the collagenous matrix, which provides the basis for new mineralisation of bone tissue.
“After being treated with CBD, the healed bone will be harder to break in the future.
“While there is still a lot of work to be done to develop appropriate therapies, it is clear that it is possible to detach a clinical therapy objective from the psychoactivity of cannabis.
“CBD, the principal agent in our study, is primarily anti-inflammatory and has no psychoactivity.”
Dr Gabet added: “We only respond to cannabis because we are built with intrinsic compounds and receptors that can also be activated by compounds in the cannabis plant.
“The clinical potential of cannabinoid-related compounds is simply undeniable at this point.”
The findings were published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.