Well Mossy, you will have to settle for the aftermath of our light snack, A rack of ribs and sweet tea. They were perfect. Falling off the bone but not at all mushy. A nice chewy texture,


And i thought... mi pit cat looks wicked ....ehh..That's Hairyman's cat medic. Mine is the evil psychotic looking one with the creepy grin on his face. This was taken just after he dug up my GSC and grapefruit auto's
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Now Mossy... a prude... is one who eats ribs with a fork.. or for that matter crabs on a plate ... backflash too texas yrs ago.i purchased the crew a bushell of crabs newspaper .. corn and beer, etc was added. We invited locals to eat some real bluecrab cooked in oldbay n beer. THE BEST. we having niceness,, Puff puff pass. Corns about ready, butter warm [emoji7] . The first 2 or so dozen, are dropped on the paper, corn extras dig in .. [emoji39] ...then it goes to shyttt ... one of the crew says Tek look look . [emoji15] [emoji32] [emoji33] [emoji33] . Omfg. a few of the locals have brought FORKS AND PAPER PLATES.. and placed the crab on the plate .proceed to eat with forks.. Fun finger foods aren't for prudes.. end of backflash rant ..Well Mossy, you will have to settle for the aftermath of our light snack, A rack of ribs and sweet tea. They were perfect. Falling off the bone but not at all mushy. A nice chewy texture,
TEK..I'm a fingers for food girl..if I can get away with it..Now Mossy... a prude... is one who eats ribs with a fork..
or for that matter crabs on a plate