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I'm all for keeping cats warm. I recommend a hot oven about 180 degrees for fourty minutes. Your local butcher can do the skinning if you are a bit queesy and a nice garlic and chilli marinade is just perfect. Some wild asparagus and a lemon drizzle is just the ticket to accompany. For more roadkill tips, tune in t'morra.
This has been an eP service announcement.

What ? Oh bugger, I have upset the cat lovers. Again!
It's 12:30AM here I am out of weed out of money so I can't get any, and a few days ago my ex wife handed me a bag with all my old spore prints so tonight I'm starting to sterilize some syringes and cow manure also hydrating some wild bird seed. Oh and getting drunk for the first time in years.I have been reading about psilocybin and it's antidepressant qualities so I figured why not give it a shot? last time I was happy for months I figure it should work the same this time.
The stowaway moggy gave rookie pilot Romain Jantot the fright of his life as it emerged on top of the wing of an Ultralight plane and sticking its head into the cockpit

  • All pilots have stringent safety checks they must carry out before each and every flight - looking for stray cats hidden inside the wing isn't one of them.

    But this stowaway moggy gave one pilot the fright of his life as it emerged on top of the wing of an Ultralight plane and sticking its head into the cockpit.

    The feline appeared unphased despite soaring hundreds of feet above the ground with nothing to secure it to the plane.


    Fearless: The feline emerged from the wing of the plane

    Pilot Romain Jantot couldn't believe his eyes when he glanced to the left and spotted the animal as he took charge of a flying lesson in Kourou French Guinea.

    His passenger wasn't quite as eagle-eyed and took a further 40 seconds to spot the cat just inches away from her head, but looked stunned as she turned to see the animal staring back at her.

    The cat was unharmed and Romain joked the fearless feline is now looking to be the flying club's new mascot.

  • It's 12:30AM here I am out of weed out of money so I can't get any,
:bighug:Aw farmergreen Sympathy sent..:karmacloud:..and karma sent for your Luck to change.
G'day stoners,
I've been a pilot since my teens and I think that if I was preflighting a plane with transparent wings and missed seeing anything as large as that kitten, I would ground myself for retraining in the basics. M'thinks there is a bit of trickery afoot here.
A cute story none the less.:eyebrows:
I'm all for keeping cats warm. I recommend a hot oven about 180 degrees for fourty minutes. Your local butcher can do the skinning if you are a bit queesy and a nice garlic and chilli marinade is just perfect. Some wild asparagus and a lemon drizzle is just the ticket to accompany. For more roadkill tips, tune in t'morra.
This has been an eP service announcement.

What ? Oh bugger, I have upset the cat lovers. Again!
Speaking as a professional. There's more than one way to skin a cat....there's 5.
speaking of cats I have wild Ferrel cats living in the woods on the back on my lot.. Ive trapped 15 this month.. there wild and eat what ever they catch.. I cant deal with the breeding.. cats are really something..

My closest naibor has decided to breed hound dogs and Jesus Christ those dogs never shut up!!
i understand the song in full now!!! funny thing is when I see the guy he complains about feeding all the 13 dogs.. people make me nuts!!!! says he cant afford all the hunting dogs! WTF why does he have them!!!!
ok im done!! I will say the stink holds back on all the kush i grow.. the carbon filter lost its way about a week ago..
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Speaking as a professional. There's more than one way to skin a cat....there's 5.

I always wonder what the backstrap on a skewer at every Chinese buffet is. Thanks for the picture that is now forever in my minds eye. But I'll eat them anyhow. They are delicious.
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