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Where is @PantsGuyVer he is all about pants removal tools hahahahahahahhaa

I have come to find the best pants removal tool are quality scissors and a take charge attitude.

Alcohol and chick flicks work amazingly well. However, NASCAR races and vibrations from loud engines tend to cause pants to fly off on certain test subjects.

Oh and GM afn..
Horrrible bros...just horrible!!!!! This is = to taking a two week old bud :face:heres what i think of hail:finger: now im :sadcry:...
It's neck and neck over in the bom/ pom anyone who is still yet to vote pop on over and pick ure favourite auto there all so good
Holy moly!
It looks like you still have on ball (pepper) on your plant and two on the ground, looks like it is gonna be pepper for teatime (maybe on a pizza) I got to try and find something positive to say!.
The maple leaves are what really make it look horrific but look at you weed plant, that mofo stood up to the hail and said shuck you! Hardy little things aint they!
Pepper plant should perk up there is still plenty of the summer left.
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