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Amnesia Stone99
Day 57
Approx 3 weeks to go.
1 week until I drop a Grape Crinkle from Mephisto to keep AS99 company
DSCN2906 (FILEminimizer).JPG

DSCN2933 (FILEminimizer).JPG
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@The Elvis ,heres my chistmas list for my Chevelle..
Ahh nice 427 Bb albumin heads roller cam 10.5.1 compression Why no intrest in the 502 Bb?
You got it,the funny/sad thing is ehen i was looking for a 69 camaro and seen the prices,i ended up finding this heap with green shag carpet..yuck..i got it for a song!!!
Nice looking car!!
I hear ya on that!!! I do like some of the new/classic builds,but they are not what i would do even if i could afford it..."Chrome dont get ya Home" is what i always said..
Ahh nice 427 Bb albumin heads roller cam 10.5.1 compression Why no intrest in the 502 Bb?

Nice looking car!!
i like that one too,but there is an "aura" about the 427 ,just the mention of it and people are like " awe shit,my cars not running right at the mo,i cant race ya" bwahaha..kidding,,if i can get it complete,im after a 427 Yenko clone,pop the hood and damn theres the 427...
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