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I use a bunch of things to tell when they are done, a big thing that rarely gets discussed is if the buds have stopped putting on weight. You can leave them on the plant for an extra three weeks but if the buds aren't getting any fatter its done lol
hense the death of whitney.....
say it can lead to root zone issues

The only thing I've heard is that it can cause a foam on top of the rez...but I haven't experienced it.

I've been using it for a little over a week and have no issues (foam or otherwise). Like I said, I run H2O2 in the rez so maybe thats doing something...:pass:
The only thing I've heard is that it can cause a foam on top of the rez...but I haven't experienced it.

I've been using it for a little over a week and have no issues (foam or otherwise). Like I said, I run H2O2 in the rez so maybe thats doing something...:pass:

Yeah and its not to say you WILL have issues with it I have just seen folks who have. Personally I think if everything is correct as far as environmental variables go then you can dump every product AN has and it will benefit your plant
I just ate 2 sandwiches in literally like a minute. I get the munchies so bad sometimes its like I haven't eaten in YEARS..... Then I eat it so fast I am miserable and wanna go take a nap! I like naps

Daaaaaab TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naps Gooooooooooooood :pass:
I can understand that the bacteria like the sugar so it would help keep a good number of bennies(or badies) present and happy but i don't think burning sugar would improve flavor like the claim seems to be but i havnt tried it ,just from researching it dosnt seem that great but in saying that keeping bennies happy for 1 week plus is a very good thing.

I think it is the Sweet Leaf that influences the taste/flavor. That is what I think makes all strains taste, smell the same.
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