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Anyone know if fastbuds ships direct to the states??:smoking:
I dont think so.. Im a 100% sure not :smoking:
Grape Crinkle-3
3 Bears OG-3
Sour Crack-3
Ripley's OG-3
Sour Bubblin' Crack-1
Tyrone Special-3
Toofless Alien-3
Sour Stomper-3

Damn!! :cheers:

I got some new headphones today and holy shit it sounds like I am at the friggin concert
what did ya get??
Evening stoners and warriors :p
I'd turn green and puke. With tobacco. With weed.
I have done that and I got sick..
Hey Stoners! Hope you're all doing well tonight!! :bighug:

Hey!! nice plant!! wow!!!
Thanks @The Elvis ! I guess this is the exciting part of the grow!
I think Wal-Mart should hand out xanax at the door! this place is nuts! I think I see Brittney spears erea 2007! :kiss:

the mirrors that are for sale are not for use! wtf !!!

bro did the king eat some LSD? WTF are you talkin about hahahahahahahaha Brittney Spears and mirros circa 07 I am dying right now
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