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She's a beauty mo
thanks buddy truthfully waaayyyyyy to long probably could keep it alive longer... but way to much time into this... could been a photo and ....
if I had pollen id see if this survivor trait could be kept lol and those one finger trimers dream leaves
thanks buddy truthfully waaayyyyyy to long probably could keep it alive longer... but way to much time into this... could been a photo and ....
if I had pollen id see if this survivor trait could be kept lol and those one finger trimers dream leaves
How long she been running bro has she always been outdoors
Clothing, Shoes _ Accessories _ Unisex Clothing, Shoes _ Accs _ Unisex ___.jpg
@Oldbie it sounds like you have your own personal version of AFN !!

Hello my Live Stoner Chums,

apologies for my lack of posting recently. Life gets in the way from time to time. I found out yesterday that I need a hip replacement. Bugger !
It is a brutal op, but it needs to be done. I can't take the pain much longer. And I keep on finding DaddyP on the floor, he has fallen four times this week. So, as you can see, I have had other things to deal with.
But, you can't keep a Penguin away from AFN.
I hope you are all playing nicely with the other children and taking regular smoke breaks. Remember, "A Dab A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away"
Tell your loved ones you love them, and do a random act of kindness. You will much better for it !



@PantsGuyVer. re the humidity thang. "The cooler the air, the less the humidity ... Correct?"
other way round brother; its counter-intuitive. with relative humidity
the warmer the air the less humidity. humidity rises when air cools-typically at night.

Thats what i had thought. But was a bit confused at the time.. Hence the question mark lol..

I get easily confused on some strains.
I've developed a theory, based on the movie: Despicable Me. Here's my theory: Richard Nixon invented Spider Mites and unleashed them, gleefully, on the " goddamn hiipes"................ The War On Drugs will never be over.................
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