So.... As there was a lot of interest in my home made Control Unit, and following on from my last posts (a few hours ago).... (If interested
Click Here), I have concluded some more test with the new Environmental Control Unit. This was a live test.
I decided that as everything looked to be working fine and holding Temp & RH at the lower end of the RH scale... I would push the envelope and ask it to Raise the Humidity but keep the same temp 28 Deg in the grow room. This is the ACID Test... I believe, Holding Temp but changing RH is a toughie!
Dialed in 70% RH.... and it went straight up. Hit 70%RH.... Blipped the dial and it adjusted.... Temp remained stable at about 28Deg
Dialed in 72.5% RH.... Spot on. Blipped the dial and it adjusted again....
Dialed in 75% RH.... Spot on again. As before.... This is more than enough for me..... I don't think I want to have more than that in the growroom.
Dialed in 55% RH as this is what I want for now... Dropped straight down...
The controller adjusts and switches whatever is needed between Humidity / Fog or Dehumidify, Fans are switched to control the Temp.... all this works together meaning (in theory) I can have finer control of what the plant wants at any time of it's life and supply it.
So.... What does it mean?.... Perfect Environment Control over both Temp & RH .
Should result in better Plants.... Better Bud..... Better Smoke.... and ultimately a Happy Camper!
Oh..... This is what I mean by Cool, Humid Fog... and you can follow this grow on my Journal (link in Sig)