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Hey @PantsGuyVer !! Do you have any bush you can show us?? I'd ask @Oldbie too but he went to bed! Good night oldbie!!!

Yes. 1 bush left, getting the chop soon. Also a pic of last weeks harvest.( 43g dry) Both are Barneys Pineapple express. Day 83 for the girl still standing.

Like your bush very much!


just remember, you are on a drug, and it will pass, lol

I will write that down. Hopefully i can remember where i wrote it.


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Hello LS,
Been so busy I just realized I am a day late for the mephisto live.. Ugg ugg. Oh well.

I just enjoy the live interviews.

Hope everyone is having a great day full of good medicine.

Fantastic medicine!! I wish you the same bro!

didnt you read my username frank?!?! lmao i like to see how far the rabbit hole really goes and explore my mind because frankly its alot more interresting than this twisted messed up world anymore the human brain/spirit/life force energy is an AMAZING thing its just that all our infor from sacred teaches have been lost and snuffed out by evil and plain old humans getting lazy and using technology the wrong way.(like building 1 million dollar cars and shit, put all them resources into making sure the human race survives peacefully and find out who we really are as individuals and evolve as human beings and stop retrogressing into stupid materialistic peasants...) ok ok i think im done ranting now! lol


And that's why I keep my 3rd eye sharp and avoid fluoride, sugar, gluten, GMO, etc... I've hab plenty of visions, visuals, messages etc... Without any help from any substance.

clearheaded deep relaxation and what i call the amethyst ray, deep purple light enters my closed eye vision and I Feel healing, especially in the most needy areas, I don't try to hold grab or direct this feeling, I just feel, until it becomes something else, I experience this with or without smoke

I've tried this in the sun. Recharging my chakras... I pick a quiet spot on our property, which isn't hard lol usually right out back. Sit in the sun with my eyes closed and focus on the light. It can be pretty damn trippy. And after about 10-20 mins I open my eyes slowly. The sun sends you love and healing with its frequencies as well.

This tough cookies are THE BOMB!!
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