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wait till next camp fire story weekend lol where mo saves pb wolf from a drunkard lol
goooooooooood MORNING A F N!!!!!!!!!!!
the mornings with mo recap will now commence......

.......So it is dark as fuck and starting to rain, and not like small little vajayjay rain either this was fuggin forrest gump big ole fat rain. About this time two dudes who are complete badasses come hiking up behind us. THANK GOD they have flashlights and are cool as hell to realize we are stupid as fuk and are completely ill prepared. Wellllll this lasts about 30 mins beeeecasuse of DANNY!!!! These dudes were like some kind of pro hikers or some shit and were NOT about to wait for our buddy to army crawl over 6 inch rocks! Sooooo they burn off, with there flashlights.

At this time we are soaked to the core and have two choices, we can either keep trekking another 3 hours in the dark and risk life and limb to get to the "checkpoint" or we can just walk a little bit off the trail(at this point we are in a mango grove) and just wait it out. Soooooooo we take option number two....... Let me try and put into words the 7 levels of hell that were about to ensue over the next 10 hours..............

never should have left the tarp....

Hell yeah I hit a natty royal flush there and won I think 800 bucks or somethin, I ended up just giving it to the bartender and saying however long this lasts to buy everyone drinks.......... drinks are fucccckin free in vegas hahahahaa so the BT got a fat ass tip lol
make it rain...seeing a reoccurring theme here I think....

View attachment 602531 It was time for King Kong to come down !! Epic Surprise from @AutoBeanStalk ...took the good stuff and sent the rest to the wormsView attachment 602534 View attachment 602533 View attachment 602532
with rain comes worms... gawd

So we're out back smoking a joint... Bronson (the cook) comes out with a blunt lol so we're straight getting baked... Sitting on some milk crates talking when we see two guys come around back. Hoodies... I'm already thinking fuck this is no good. Growing up 20 miles from NYC you get a bit street smart.

So they are all "what's up with you people? We're all "just getting lifted man. What's good?" With that one guy pulls a gun on us. I'm like ah fuck... Really? He points it at my magician friend first and says "give me your wallet now!"

Now... I still can't believe did this... LMFAO what nerve... We talked bout this many nights after over beers and bud...

He had a trick wallet. A flaming wallet... LMAO this thing had a Zippo type lighter sown in the middle fold over and with a practiced quick motion he'd ignite it while opening it... LMAO

So he pulls this wallet out... Flips it open and this torch type flame is just billowing out the top middle LOL

These guys jump back and are like Whoa! WTF? my buddy goes "sorry guys my money went up in smoke"

What do they do? Start LAUGHING! So the guy with the gun says "what are you some sorta wizard or something?" Lol he says "no man I'm a magician"

The guy with the gun says... "hmmm a magician huh... OK bet. You do me a magic trick and ill let y'all go... But you do it with something of mine."

My buddy says "like what?"

Dude pulls out a quarter. says use this.

So my buddy starts making it disappear and shit. Reappearing behind his ear... Etc... Lol in his jacket pocket... He starts getting them relaxed... But by this time dude with the gun wants something better. With that my friend pulls out this watch. It was the guy with the guns wrist watch!! ROFL while he was distracting them with the coin he took the dudes watch without him even knowing it! LMAO

He just looks at us, snatches his watch says "man fuck you!" And they took off into the darkness...

Talk about buzz kill!!
I had a friend who could do that and wasn't a magician...
awesome story Rebs...
but u guys are breaking the rules mannnn...
what happens in vegas...

Night DMan... Sleep well dude! Catch ya on the flipside!

and when one ends the next begins here on afn fm
wake up wake up wake up...
heres franky baby and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra doing a classic track from ella fitzgerrald
what was ur first yield with ur first ever grow? just wondering and how far have u come from then for the same strains ect? cheers and say in wet weight how would I roughly fig out what dry would b there must b a rough percentage that it looses jst curious
rough percentage that it looses

A good rule of thumb is it will lose roughly 80% of weight during the dry and cure stage. Every time I read about a harvest I do the math and it comes out pretty damn close to 80% loss.

Sorry to hear about your plants bro!!
hey @skuff
I'm hanging out here this morning... bad mood mo errrrrrr

... I feel like a chick with my reeses pieces to cheer me up
hows ur day going everyone

.... like 9 mins in to that video make em NV... dirtty
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