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Now this guy i would pay 300$ for,he promises guzzoline from gastown and bullets from the bullet farm,has war-rigs and will take ya to Vallhala
This just in..police in pueblo CO busted an illegal outdoor grow worth an estimated 4.2 million dollars with only 1000 plants..anybody with a half a brain can see how overinflated this estimate is,,meanwhile these same police cant catch two buglary suspects

F*cking road pirates!!! Don't you love their math? I always wondered if they count the stems, roots, etc... Hell even if you did that you'd still be WAY OFF! Morons!
F*cking road pirates!!! Don't you love their math? I always wondered if they count the stems, roots, etc... Hell even if you did that you'd still be WAY OFF! Morons!
Im pretty sure they do "count" everything to get rhe weight,or they smoke it before they write that number down...i know there's a lot of places where the police force is being scrutinized,but maybe this is how they got the name "steal city" ( actually got it from the steel mill,just joking on that one) ...that puts rhe value of even a 1 foot tall non budding plant as 4200.00...Fo Rizeel
... Jc pinch some bud off you that you just remembered?? Lol

No "real talk" MO after thinking about it and i just dont see how JC could help the AFN in anyway.. its all about that book right now.. why would we promote his book??

Does ed rosenthal want the same? Or more? What could anybody ask him that hasnt been covered in his books for the last 40 years...jus sayin

I have have never talk him.. I feel like these guys have paved the way for all us, thats true!!! but the thing is we are the we are the trend setters!! its 2016 now its "our" time
Both JC and Ed have had there time.. Now its our turn!!
  • :pass:

So lets Rock!!! Bud warriors!! :headbang:

Because the AFN "is" paradise city!!

No "real talk" MO after thinking about it and i just dont see how JC could help the AFN in anyway.. its all about that book right now.. why would we promote his book??

I have have never talk him.. I feel like these guys have paved the way for all us, thats true!!! but the thing is we are the we are the trend setters!! its 2016 now its "our" time
Both JC and Ed have had there time.. Now its our turn!!
  • :pass:

So lets Rock!!! Bud warriors!! :headbang:

Because the AFN "is" paradise city!!

Well Yeah because I actually had to Google him last night to TRY to figure out what was so special about him...
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