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Good mornig, my friends!

Crazy morning. Up at 7 am on a Saturday. Well, Anton is going for dog dancing moring session at 9 o'clock.

I'm fine in 15 min when the caffein and nicotin concentration in my blood is up to normal steady-state level.
@Mossy, The Dragon Queen of AFN and master of badges.

Can you ha look at the first post here

Under my avatar there are a lot of new badges appearing as I was asleep: FastBuds and MarsHydro badges, the Star (that I try to qualify for, by beeing an active and helpful member) and a 420 badge.
The badges only appear under my avatar in that particular posting. Is it s programming error? They appeard during my friday siesta. They does not figure on my list of awards

BTW, is there a cute Kitty for my 6+K rep? I love those cats. I'd like to keep the mysterious badges mentioned above also.... :-)

Now, out i the rain. Anton and I will perform to The Lumberjack Song and get a formal judgement on the training session.

@Dr. Babnik and @XxxAuto
I'm off to bed but I look forward to hearing all about Anton's dance lesson later!
Good morning you awesome people,i think i am going to have a slapathon session today.everyone here is just the best people ever but i dont get to give rep to them so i am going to find tons of threads today and just random slap people
Watch those bootys guys/girls im coming for you :devil:

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