Shout it a bit Louder pop22..
Take THAT haters! WOOoooooooooooo..
Only those of us that Loved Auto from the Start will understand that one..everyone Thought we were Crazy..

..but Look at us Now..
Yeah ... "Ya Boo Sucks haterz"
I started with the first commercially available strain "Lowryder" from the Joint Doctor around 10 years ago, there were no others auto strains at the time and the haterz were out en mass spitting putrid bile at that they didn't understand or even want to try and understand.
I also was into LED technology too OMG the HID growers were a nightmare and to be fair early LED units were a bit pants but both auto's and LED kept getting better and better..
Now Auto's and LED have proved them selves over and over again and I don't see either stopping getting better year on year.
I kept the faith and in the end more and more people saw the light (geddit! lol)
At the time I was a member of another forum due to a auto strain I bought but it wasn't the strain I was after originally.
I had gone to my local seed bank and asked them for some "Mossy's Purple Jems" and got told they didn't stock them, I left disappointed.
So I went to a head shop even nearer to home and asked the same question and got the same reply.
So I ended up getting some Super Critical + and ended up joining the forum of the producers of that seed, in part because I wanted to know more about that strain and see some grows.
I remember visiting AFN when there were about 20 members, I was totally enthralled there was a Auto forum but I felt loyalty to the forum I was on.
Generally speaking I am a one forum person even though I was a member of all the main forums and a few smaller ones, I just used to try and find out info about autos and LED's in them and take back the info.
It was my mission to provide as much up to date info about LED & autos to people and fly the flag so to speak.
Eventually I was made a mod which was a great honor or so I though and then I was told I had to be 100% corporate and only promote the seed company, the reason for this was that in a post, "I mentioned that Dutch Passion were the creators of the first fem seed".
I don't suck corporate cock and left that minute never to return, If some one does something note worthy and historic I'm not going to keep my mouth shut about it even if it is a another seed banks work.
So I came to AFN full time, which was already like home as I had been visiting for such a long time.
Oh and here a tongue twister for ya too