:smoking: Eyes, that's not the intent, nor a solution,.. after all, you can't rep' yourself! nor can you stop others from doing so, or control the amount....from what I've seen, you're a fine member indeed, and folks have taken note clearly-

...What caught Admin. attention is the meteoric rise in rep' point amongst a small group here (the dots are not that hard to connect- believe it), which to my knowledge has never been seen at this level before,... your point count for being here less than 5 weeks is literally unprecedented!

LOL! ... So naturally, eyebrows were cocked and a little red light went on in the back room,... this needs be looked into, no complicity is implied, but the integrity of the rep system is something cherished here, so we have to figure out what's happening with this,...I would hate to see the rep system yanked, but if it becomes more problematic that it's worth, it will be, to the loss of all, IMO!

I don't know how we will deal with this, but a heads up was deemed necessary, in thread,....