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And if you get fannys moist muffins it's time to eat !
You've never seen such a happy face as I plough into her moist sticky treats, she say's that all those hours of slaving away are worth it once I've had my fill.
Hash muffins rock!
I asked her to read this book to me for a joke
but she said it wasn't funny and that she didn't like my ball gag!:funny:
Have you played the refresh game?
Just click the refresh icon and watch your in box notifications go up!
It's just like magic :wizzy:bing there's another one, bing and one more, ad infinitum lol:holymoly:
You, too? Lol.. it's pandemonium!
Knuckles are toast lol
My wings have been clipped again for a few hours!
Here have a bandage

Shall I wear my nurse costume?
You've never seen such a happy face as I plough into her moist sticky treats, she say's that all those hours of slaving away are worth it once I've had my fill.
Hash muffins rock!
I asked her to read this book to me for a joke
but she said it wasn't funny and that she didn't like my ball gag!:funny:
Ask her to read this one sometime... Story starts at 1 min.
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