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Now I have my Phat Beaver badge I'm hoping there will be a muffin badge to go with it!


I like fat beavers... I like moist muffins, oh and I like pot too

I think I'll make some nice moist pot muffins to celibrate my soon to be fat beaver badge.

Have you played the refresh game?
Just click the refresh icon and watch your in box notifications go up!
It's just like magic :wizzy:bing there's another one, bing and one more, ad infinitum lol:holymoly:
I'm scared.......I think someone has a crush on me................Not gonna say it out yourself...coughArtyZancough !

I know I am cuddly, caring, damn good looking and good in bed......but am strictly hetro......perhaps one of you could let him down gently. Best not to come from me.......could be crushing !!!

Double posting is a sure sign......................tis sad......poor fellow.......
Well in all seriousness, males penguins area a bit metro. They do care for and hatch the eggs. I mean, 2.5 billion male penguins can't be wrong, can they?
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