Mmmmmmm Mossy...All those little dragons to play with in miltipots to boot! I love watching your multipots!!

Sexy they are!
Autos just Love to Cuddle a multi I get less harvest per pheno..but more overall harvest weight per Pot than if I had them individual...but you know me..

..multipots are individual breeding basket..Orgy pots.
Big Mossy Hugs have had me laughing all day..

..and at my age that is bad for incontinence..
Pod casts are what them young whipper snaps are all about theese days easy access makes for good promotion, check it out via iTunes ya may find something good.
I'll Ask SoH then..he is a young hip dude..

..see if we can do them.
BTW..if I was wanting to know what was going on with New Vendor Testing on Site..both AFN and PP's..I'd be Shouting for SoH..coz has he been working his Tail off.
Did not come across anywhere i would say to avoid, if you suffer anxiety avoid Kaligria (DNA Genetics) as i found out the hard way having a full on shaky sweaty panic attack in Voyagers coffee shop, till some kind hearted scouser calmed me down with a good few tokes on his Fromage Blue (Pheno Finders) heavy Indica joint.
Fave Coffee Shops - Voyagers for pickup and takeaway as the smoking area is small but their weed is pure fire. Easy Times for a sitting back in a nice chilled out smoking area and big choice, their Strawberry NYC Kush was a beautiful potent long lasting smoke.
Cheers Spnglish..hope you have recovered from your hang over... is Old Age you know... can drink as much as you always just takes a hell of a lot longer to get over..
Fave Strains - Strawberry NYC Kush, strong up buzz with no paranoia that lasted near on 5 hours. Platinum Girl Scout Cookies (Voyagers) lovely hybrid smoke that keeps you nice and calm but up and ready to get out and about at the same time, also the best anti anxiety smoke i have found, alongside Deep Blue C.
Cheers for the Tips..
Continuing my jem working a dragon cross and bringing one back from the dead called fairy lights. She has a unique tric coverage and there is one person who knows them well. She also has a grey looking bud.

Anthracite Black bud..and a half occluded tric makes her look silvery grey...
Don't fear the wiener
Give your male a good Blow Job..Taste him..

..slow dry the leaves and flower..roll it..dry puff first and Taste him..then smoke..Taste him.
Dry the main stalk..then chew it..taste and smell.
Did you know there is a daily 100 limit of reputation gives....??? Now you know.
Your rep give away goes up with your Rep..the more you Earn..the more you can give away...
Beautiful! Purple is my favorite color!
Me Too..
Thanks for the kitties
@Mossy !!
I see you flying around
@Mossy thank you for the badge!
You are both Welcome..
Up in smoke is where my money goes
In the air, in my lungs
And up my nose
As long as it is not up your ass..this is hilarious..they used to blow tobacco smoke up your bum to stop you drowning in the 17th centuary..QI at it's Best..
I will be requesting another badge soon! Am i becoming a badge ho?
Mmmm..maybe..But..that is something to be Proud of in Live Stoners..