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Good Morning Stoners!
What's the buzz?!?!
Quiet morning for a change here at Chez' WWWillie. Enjoying a big 'ol cuppa and a peaceful moment.
My gardens are great! The GC and HOD are racing to the finish line, tomatoes are mahvelous and my new aquarium plants should be here Monday. Mmm gardens!
Good morning stoners! I've been up for several hours trying to eliminate some nasty little critters that have made a return visit. Anyways, feeling much better after going to the va yesterday. I got 2 shots, (corozone and anti-imflamatory), so it's time to get-er-done. For some extra moitivation, here is the tune I use to listen to every morning to start my day ... well way back in the day! :peace:


Sorry, I don't know how to imbed a video, if that's what you call it :shrug:
Wakey Wakey eggs n bakey!!
Who do I talk to from DP about sending some replacement beans... One outta 3 is a shit go
Morning mowhawk, I would talk to the vendor you bought them from first. Start there and if that doesn't get you the desired results, PM Dutch Passion Tony in a PM.:thumbsup:
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