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Good Morning Stoners!
Whats the buzz!?!
Quiet morning here at chez' WWWillie. Having a nice big cuppa, talking to my folks here on AFN, life is good!
Gonna build me a lamp server today. Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL. Getting ready to change over to a new software for my web site. The old vBulletin is not working for us anymore. Gonna try XBTIT. Should be interesting and I hope fun.
Getting ready for a long weekend, yippie!! Hope to get my veg garden finished have some beers and burgers, kick back and relax!
Have a super Thursday all!!
Why on the moon would I spend top dollar for my tent, my lights, my seeds and then start playing nickel saver at amazon when it comes to secondary items.

I just had another issue endangering the life of my girls because of short-cuts on price for secondary items. Well, as you will read, be careful about what you call a secondary item.

Problems for cheap equipment (off the top of my head):
  • Ambient temperature in flower tent shot off the moon because duct fan for the lamp hood was not strong enough; ratings were high enough, it just lost thrust over time. This took me three days to figure out the problem and heat stressed my plants.
  • Discovered my AccuRite Hygrometers are useless and I really do not know what rh I was running. Problems are obvious as rh is a major factor in growing Cannabis.
  • Just went to my veg tent this morning and found temperature at 85 degrees. Noticed quickly my cheap fan blowing air under the HID is shot.
What if was not home with full-time MS to monitor this stuff constantly!!!! Which is what newbies need to do....LOL

.............ya, I spent over $1,000 on lighting and tents, but I won't spend $25 on a fan when I can get one for $12!!!!...............:wall:
Sorry for hi-jacking the forum this morning, but....but what?


Ohio just approved a bill in Senate committee (which means it's going through) legalizing medical marijuana. However, vaporized oil only. No smoking or growing.

Regardless of what explanation is given, the reason States like Ohio and Pennsylvania are doing this is to protect pharma and big business. They approved a means of consumption in which the substance has to be processed and monitored in a lab, which can only be pulled off by big business/pharma.


Stoned sheep high on CANNABIS go on 'psychotic rampage around quiet village' after eating dumped plants
LOL then into the story is the picture, it's just dumped root balls, not even any plant. I'm about 99.999% certain the root balls don't have enough of any compounds to get a person or a sheep stoned, much less enough to go on a rampage.
Morning Stoners! Yep, Dont like the way some things are being set up for canna, but Big Pharmacy pays obscene amounts of lobbying dollars to have the strangle hold on keeping their money, in their pocket. Prohibition isnt about net letting the people have it, it's about control of where the money goes! But, there is some good news, like a domino effect, states are going to some form of legalization and we may not get all the states right away, but with Canada and Mexico going all in, might change some things.
Have alot of prepping to do before family comes on Monday for a week long visit. Changed the oil in the boat, heading up to the cabin Saturday to get all the place ready to party! Have 5 sister in laws coming up over the course of the next 6 weeks for visits with their spouces and kids, all back to back, the a few Aunts and Uncles after that! Gonna be a long 2 months! Glad I am only on vacation for 2 weeks of that. Lots to do!
Have a great Thursday and a very safe weekend!:pass:
Afternoon everyone, nice day here after yesterday's gloom and a chilly night. I checked the polytunnel early doors and all was well though, not much in there at the mo, a couple of yellow cherry toms, Alicantes and Beef tomatoes, and some Spanish peppers. Plenty of time for additions though.
Why on the moon would I spend top dollar for my tent, my lights, my seeds and then start playing nickel saver at amazon when it comes to secondary items.

I just had another issue endangering the life of my girls because of short-cuts on price for secondary items. Well, as you will read, be careful about what you call a secondary item.

Problems for cheap equipment (off the top of my head):
  • Ambient temperature in flower tent shot off the moon because duct fan for the lamp hood was not strong enough; ratings were high enough, it just lost thrust over time. This took me three days to figure out the problem and heat stressed my plants.
  • Discovered my AccuRite Hygrometers are useless and I really do not know what rh I was running. Problems are obvious as rh is a major factor in growing Cannabis.
  • Just went to my veg tent this morning and found temperature at 85 degrees. Noticed quickly my cheap fan blowing air under the HID is shot.
What if was not home with full-time MS to monitor this stuff constantly!!!! Which is what newbies need to do....LOL

.............ya, I spent over $1,000 on lighting and tents, but I won't spend $25 on a fan when I can get one for $12!!!!...............:wall:

Yeah a very good point, budget and electrical shouldn't ever be in the same sentence really lol but bargains are hard to resist especially when you've already shelled out a lot.
Morning stoners - sharing a laugh with you all.

One day a guy died and found himself in hell. As he was wallowing in despair, he had his first meeting with a demon.
The demon asked, "Why so glum?"
The guy responded, "What do you think? I'm in hell!"
"Hell's not so bad," the demon said. "We actually have a lot of fun down here. You a drinking man?"
"Sure," the man said, "I love to drink."
"Well, you're gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, diet Tab and Fresca. We drink till we throw up and then we drink some more!"
The guy is astounded. "Damn, that sounds great."

"You a smoker?" the demon asked.
"You better believe it!"
"You're gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lungs out! . If you get cancer, no biggie You're already dead, remember?"
"Wow, the guy said, "that's awesome!"

The demon continued. "I bet you like to gamble."
"Why yes, as a matter of fact I do."
"Wednesdays you can gamble all you want. Craps, blackjack, roulette, poker, slots, whatever. If you go bankrupt, well, you're dead anyhow.

You into drugs?"
The guy said, "Are you kidding? I love drugs! You don't mean . . ."
"That's right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of crack, or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want, you're dead, who cares!"

"Wow," the guy said, starting to feel better about his situation, "I never realized Hell was such a cool place!"
The demon said, "You gay?"
"Ooooh, you're gonna hate Fridays!"
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