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I`ve got a curlywurly and some jellybeans :yeah:
Mmmmm curlwurly
Ya, @Moondude things are really great. Here's a bushy Himalayan Orange Diesel just about ready to stretch like her sister.

UhHuh absolute tools... A lighter, really. Almost a shame they didn't take themselves out along with the building. (Not really, but you know)
That does get it in the news in a bad way but around my town it's bad in a different way. Some stoned fool killed a state trooper. It was a safety stop on a busy interstate and this guy crosses three lanes at around 80+ miles per hour and rams the back of the cruiser killing the trooper inside. All they really have is that the guy just left a dispensary and there was a half burnt joint in the ashtray. So they are going for too intoxicated on cannabis as the reason and going forward with the prosecution on that basis. Should be interesting and will prolly set case law for some time to come. This could turn out very wrong!
Strangely enough I had the first curly wurly for about 20 years a couple of days ago @Bailey. Nice, yeah but not as nice as I remember from my youth, and loads smaller (what's going on there? Are choccy bars getting smaller or is it because your hands were smaller back then and made them look bigger:shrug:) All in all a little disappointing though, and not nearly worth all the tears when my daughter realized I'd taken it from her bag.
Ya, @Moondude things are really great. Here's a bushy Himalayan Orange Diesel just about ready to stretch like her sister.

UhHuh absolute tools... A lighter, really. Almost a shame they didn't take themselves out along with the building. (Not really, but you know)
That does get it in the news in a bad way but around my town it's bad in a different way. Some stoned fool killed a state trooper. It was a safety stop on a busy interstate and this guy crosses three lanes at around 80+ miles per hour and rams the back of the cruiser killing the trooper inside. All they really have is that the guy just left a dispensary and there was a half burnt joint in the ashtray. So they are going for too intoxicated on cannabis as the reason and going forward with the prosecution on that basis. Should be interesting and will prolly set case law for some time to come. This could turn out very wrong!

This is a fun stage with AutoFlowers, they can change completely overnight.......:growing:

I hope some big gun activist groups jump in for legal support. There is no way your State can have that as precedence on the books.........Some of the law enforcement folk will never give up the crusade against Cannabis regardless of the law/legal climate:pighug:................
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