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Thank You @Mossy !



Methinks Budlee's extract should get the old fashioned Hot Knife treatment...........mmmmm....nom nom nom

Well me hearties, tis Sunday evening and we had some Pirate fun, the badge whores who found the treasure flags will get their names submitted to BlackMossy for the award ceremony. And not one of ye found the tie breaker.......

which looks a bit like this.....


shame, as it was worth an absolute fortune.......I kid u need now to end ye posts with Arghhh......we revert back to semi normal......well, kind of ! lol................Thank you all for being such great sports and entering into the spirit. We must do it again sometime......any ideas for the next theme ?

Love you daft guys..............eP.......what the heck....Arghhhhh
Methinks Budlee's extract should get the old fashioned Hot Knife treatment...........mmmmm....nom nom nom

Well me hearties, tis Sunday evening and we had some Pirate fun, the badge whores who found the treasure flags will get their names submitted to BlackMossy for the award ceremony. And not one of ye found the tie breaker.......

which looks a bit like this.....


shame, as it was worth an absolute fortune.......I kid u need now to end ye posts with Arghhh......we revert back to semi normal......well, kind of ! lol................Thank you all for being such great sports and entering into the spirit. We must do it again sometime......any ideas for the next theme ?

Love you daft guys..............eP.......what the heck....Arghhhhh
Badge ceremony nice..
Harrrr, I thought ye might be gettin' a kick out of this one.
Teh Wife is in charge of a Head Start preschool and it is the end of the year and as such needs some sort of celebration. Not really having much to go on other than a parent meetings desire for treasure and pizza, we came up with a pirate theme!!! Yarrr!!
To that end I made this ship for them to sit behind and have their pictures taken by their families.

Thanks to AFN and our little pirate themed wackyness!!!

The kidlets will paint it tomorrow for the party Tuesday!
Arrrr I see you getting a new crew together ,ye musta pirated a new ship....arrrrrr...okay the pirate weekend was awesome I had to play catchup and throw a like bomb on about 10 pages,,You guys are awesome !!!!
Harrrr, I thought ye might be gettin' a kick out of this one.
Teh Wife is in charge of a Head Start preschool and it is the end of the year and as such needs some sort of celebration. Not really having much to go on other than a parent meetings desire for treasure and pizza, we came up with a pirate theme!!! Yarrr!!
To that end I made this ship for them to sit behind and have their pictures taken by their families.

Thanks to AFN and our little pirate themed wackyness!!!

The kidlets will paint it tomorrow for the party Tuesday!
:slap: awsome even the kids are getting in on the party theme arghhh
Methinks Budlee's extract should get the old fashioned Hot Knife treatment...........mmmmm....nom nom nom

Well me hearties, tis Sunday evening and we had some Pirate fun, the badge whores who found the treasure flags will get their names submitted to BlackMossy for the award ceremony. And not one of ye found the tie breaker.......

which looks a bit like this.....


shame, as it was worth an absolute fortune.......I kid u need now to end ye posts with Arghhh......we revert back to semi normal......well, kind of ! lol................Thank you all for being such great sports and entering into the spirit. We must do it again sometime......any ideas for the next theme ?

Love you daft guys..............eP.......what the heck....Arghhhhh
Max :slap: bro it was great fun even put a smile on my missus face and that can be hard lol arghhh :chimp:
Okay......The Race is ON.................

In 30 mins, I will post a real easy clue to point to the winning piece of treasure......and I will post it in a less gay color.......eP.
Been such a busy camp guy haven't had much energy for late night sessions on "my" new computer. But, have a real live pirate's tale to spin.
In need of supplies sailed down home slough into river head'in down to yonder pirate town, aye and a right and true shanty it be, debauchery and chicanery abound, and as lawless as ole Tortuga. The "lawless" part as literal as the swans over me head, and a very slight feeling of dread for an upriver pirate of the wrong color. A place of hope and hate like any right and true pirate place.
So upon landing, check me back and saunter on in. And lo, behold this: my tales of woe and and lack quickly rise like the tide, and before half hour ticks by 6 grams in me pockets have I. And smiling faces abound with tales of sprouting and growing, those seeds I gifted those long wintry months back, taken root and giving back. And me feeling a little embarrassed for ever doubting the power of friendship. Me friends becoming like armor, a shield against me enemies. So sailing home through showery spring and a greening riparian arbor, swans wing by, whitefish rising, young moose cut loose by mom learning to be one their on, mom moose in the bush with life's imperative. Spring and me psyche does sing.....homeward bound from shanty town, with treasures worth more than gold, glow'in with the know'in a smiling wench is wait'in..........
a right and true piratey dog, and me pirate's scow
I made some of my own moon rocks or caviar the other day and posted it here. Super tasty, super strong. Do I get a concentrate badge?:biggrin: I'm going to post the pics again, wish I had more kief. I'd make more right now.


Those look good @budelee

I'm here for the gang plank.:crying:
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