----------- Arrrghhhh it be the plank for you laddie .had to comment.... you people are crazy!!!!on the other hand , I am normal.
and very intelligent.
Iv found it arghhh me harty to explain go around the threads and when u see the black and red skull pic mark it down and when you have found 3 let eP know arghhhMorning all time for some pillaging. Anyone found yee stinky penguins treasure... Argh
YARRR! There be a few of us lucky enough to get a glimpse of the penguin's booty. 'Twere not a pleasant sight, I can tell ye...ARRRGGGHHHH!
Avast me hearties !!!!!
Ye been doing well, at least six of ye have passed the test so far.......Methinks a decider be on the cards......but you will all get your badges after the weekend...............
The FA cup is going into overtime...........back soon.....argghhhhh
Yeah, ever. I don't care how brilliant his theories within the realm of quantum physics may have been – until his views on personal hygiene improved – he probably wouldn't be allowed to step (dirty) foot in my house (no pun intended). At least not without some plastic bags strapped to his feet or something.
That's a cool avatar or badge arghhh
The FA cup is going into overtime...........back soon.....argghhhhh