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had to comment.... you people are crazy!!!! :crying: on the other hand , I am normal. :frog:and very intelligent.:joy:
----------- Arrrghhhh it be the plank for you laddie .
Avast me hearties !!!!!

Ye been doing well, at least six of ye have passed the test so far.......Methinks a decider be on the cards......but you will all get your badges after the weekend...............

The FA cup is going into overtime...........back soon.....argghhhhh
Avast me hearties !!!!!

Ye been doing well, at least six of ye have passed the test so far.......Methinks a decider be on the cards......but you will all get your badges after the weekend...............

The FA cup is going into overtime...........back soon.....argghhhhh

Aye, an don't ye be fergetin to grab me a drop o rum with it bein me pengiun penalty an all.....


Tidays ration be the drums on ye left...


Aye aye shipmates..:cheers:..slide a Grog along the bar..and bring me the ships cat to fats..

Yeah, ever. I don't care how brilliant his theories within the realm of quantum physics may have been – until his views on personal hygiene improved – he probably wouldn't be allowed to step (dirty) foot in my house (no pun intended). At least not without some plastic bags strapped to his feet or something.

Arggh arty..I Declare my Genius..but I guess my invite for High Tea is out of the window...:crying:


That's a cool avatar or badge arghhh

When eP names the dastardly crew I will add the Pirate Stamp..:yeah:

The FA cup is going into overtime...........back soon.....argghhhhh

Arrgghhh..that is where the little bugger is..:footy:..what was the final Sc...aarggh..?

I brought the Plank for thee.................Naughty step is getting a bit full...
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