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Morning all you Stoners! Just wanted to repost this.... Free course by Lancaster University on soils: Introducing the World Beneath Our Feet. Come take advantage of free educating. All you have to do is sign up. This is great for new growers, and even for the more seasoned growers. I will be taking the course, and invite all you to join me. We can have the largest study group ever!
Good Moring!! Can someone quickly tell me how to quick cure some of my popcorn buds? I know it is on this forum and even this thread but I can't find it! I'm going to vape it if that makes a difference. Thank you!

Oh looky who has a new kitty!! Thanks :)

Hey Auto :jointman:

First things first - Congrats on you Kitty badge, wear it with pride , you earned it:d5:

I'm gonna link you to a nice thread/post by Eyes on Fire, it covers a number of methods of drying so you should find one that suits.

Vaping :thumbsup: way to go! I love to vape and the terpenes mmmm taste so good.

In my opinion nothing beats a proper dry and cure but it is not unheard of to hear of people just plucking a fresh piece of bud and vaping it, Convection vaporizer (heating the air)would be best for this, rather than Conduction which would heat your bud unevenly especially as it would be holding a lot of moisture. Only do this if it is a really emergency, it really isn't the best way to have a vape but thought I would mention it.

I have in the past, microwaved buds dry for a naughty quicky, but it is still best to let em dry naturally.

I'll give you the link to Eyes on Fire guide -

Here is the link to the Harvesting and Drying section of the forum -

Here is a nice guide to the difference between Convection & Conduction vapes, thought I'd pop it in just because it a nice comparison and that I mentioned these two types of vaporization earlier in this post.

What Is a Primary Heating Method?
Vaporizers work by heating herbs, oils, or waxes to high temperatures, causing them to boil, and give off vapors. The primary heating method refers to the way in which the vaporizer heats up the vaping material. There are two types of primary heating methods: conduction and convection. Each type has its own distinct benefits and drawbacks.

It's important to note that we refer to the heating method as "primary." This is because most vaporizers heat up herbs with both conduction and convection; however, one type is the dominant or primary form of heating.

All about Conduction Vaporizers
Conduction vaporizers were the very first type developed by vaporizer companies. A conduction vaporizer has a heating element that is directly in contact with the herbs, oils, or waxes placed inside of the vaporizer heating chamber. As the heating element gets hot, the heat is transferred directly to the vaping material to increase its temperature. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of conduction vaporizers:

Benefits of a Conduction Vaporizer
Some of the positives that come with conduction vapes include:

- Simplicity - Conduction is a very simple form of heating. Models that use conduction as a primary heating method typically have fewer parts. This can make them easier to clean, and also means there are less pieces that can wear out and break.

- Cost - Typically, conduction vaporizers are less expensive than convection vaporizers,desktop vaporizers are mostly convection vapes. This makes them popular with people looking for cheap vaporizers due to budget constraints, or because they are trying out vaping for the first time and don't want to invest a lot.

- Speed - Conduction vapes get hot very quickly, meaning less wait time before vapor is produced.

Drawbacks of a Conduction Vaporizer
For all of their benefits, conduction vaporizers do have some disadvantages that you should be aware of before you buy.

- Combustion Risk - Conduction vaporizers get very hot. In fact, they get so hot that they can actually burn vaping material. This causes smoke to be released instead of vapor.

- Uneven Vaporization - With a conduction vaporizer, the material at the bottom of the heating chamber, closest to the heating element, will vaporize first and release its vapor. The material above it may not fully vaporize, reducing vapor production. As a result, you must shake or stir as you vape to ensure even heating.

- Learning Curve - Conduction vaporizers are a little harder to use. You may need practice to be able to get a full, satisfying draw with a conduction vape, and you may need to experiment with different temperature settings to find out how to get the best results with your vaporizer.

All about Convection Vaporizers
Convection vaporizers were developed to solve the problems that arise with conduction vaporizers. In a convection vaporizer, the heating element is placed away from the herbs, oils, or waxes. Instead of heat passing directly to the vaping material, the heating element warms the air inside of thevaporizer heating chamber. The warmed air then heats up the vaping material. Here's a closer look at the pros and cons of convection vaporizers.

Benefits of a Convection Vaporizer
- Enhanced Control - Convection vaporizers give you a greater degree of control over the temperature than most conduction vaporizers. As a result, you can make subtle adjustments to improve your results. For example, you can turn the heat up as you vape to ensure full vaporization, or vape at different temperatures depending on what type of material you're using.

- Even Heating - With a convection vaporizer, the warm air passes all the way through the vaping material. As a result, the top, middle, and bottom levels of the dry herb, oil, or waxheats evenly and vaporizes fully. This means you don't have to shake or stir a convection vaporizer; however, it's important that you don't over pack the heating chamber, as this can limit the flow of air, and lead to poor results.

- Low Combustion Risk - It's very unlikely that a convection vaporizer will burn your vaping material when you have the device set at an appropriate temperature.

Drawbacks of a Convection Vaporizer
- Cost - Convection vaporizers tend to be more expensive than conduction vaporizers, making them bigger investments. There are also more parts in convection vaporizers that can wear out, and require replacement or repair. As a result, consider the warranty of the vaporizer that your purchase.

- Speed - Compared to conduction vaporizers, convection vaporizers are slower to reach their optimal working temperatures; however, it's important to note that vaporizer brandshave developed new technologies in recent years to help convection vaporizers heat up faster than the original models that hit the market years ago.

Now that you know the differences between a conduction vaporizer and a convection vaporizer, you're one step closer to finding the right vape for your needs. You can check out our other vaporizer buying guide to learn more, or contact a member of the customer service team here at our vaporizer store for personal shopping assistance.


All about Combustion
Combustion is the reaction that occurs when oxygen and fuel combine at a high enough temperature. When you light a cigarette or a medical marijuana joint, some of the materials burn, but unburned particles remain, including carbon, water, and substances called volatile organic compounds. These unburned particles are released as smoke, which is then inhaled.

While inhaling smoke allows you to benefit from the active chemicals inside of the materials you're smoking, it also exposes you to toxins, irritants, and carcinogens. It's these impurities that are responsible for increasing the risk of cancer, irritating the respiratory passages, and damaging the throat and lungs.

Convection and conduction do not give off smoke. The material is released as vapor. Studies have confirmed that vapor contains little to no harmful particles. Vaporized marijuana consists of 95% carcinogen-free cannabinoids, and includes only one polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, a compound that has been shown in clinical studies to cause cancer. By comparison, only 12% of marijuana smoke contains cannabinoids. The remaining 88% consists of more than 111 different chemical impurities, including 12 different carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

The dramatic difference in the carcinogen content between combustion and vaporizing is leading many people to quit smoking, in order to avoid the many dangerous particles given off during combustion.
Nothing wrong with SCH .... I remember back in the day too


... when we used to smoke panama red


Just teasing - should be banging!! :D

That picture reminds me of Fred Dibnah, steeple jack & engineer an all round salt of the earth chap, sadly no longer with us.

Here's a video of him climbing a chimney up a ladder with over hangs and no rope or harness & he is over 50 in the vid!!

Could you do that? I know I wouldn't want to.

3rd of May 2016 is Garden Meditation Day


Garden Meditation Day
provides the perfect opportunity to achieve inner peace while honoring the essential ties between people and the environment. Garden and wild plants play a huge role in sustaining life on Earth; they produce food, they make oxygen, they preserve the soil and they beautify the planet. It’s no wonder that mankind has a natural connection to plant life. Garden meditation has been practiced for thousands of years because the natural elements in a garden create a soothing, peaceful environment for retreat, and they enable the necessary focus to bring about calm and stress relief.

Participation in Garden Meditation Day can include sitting with quiet awareness in your garden or nearby park, or weeding, watering or planting in a focused, relaxed manner. Practiced with or without movement, meditation can quiet the mind and invite inner harmony, and gardening can make the world more lush, beautiful and livable.

Have a beautiful day n your garden and :zen::growing::zen: ommmmmmmmmmm

Benefits of OM Meditation
Scientific mystery of Om meditation is yet to be unfold. There are many benefits of om meditation. This force of Om tears the coverings, destroys unhealthy desires, hunger, and egoism and takes the aspirant to Self. It is not fully known what changes occur in the body during meditation; whether they influence health; and, if so, how. Research is under way to find out more about Om meditation’s effects, how it works, and diseases and conditions for which it may be most helpful. Om meditation allows the mind to identify itself with the unlimited reservoir of intelligence at the source of thought.

Benefits of Om meditation

Om meditation is having four common elements:

  1. An open attitude. Having an open attitude during meditation means letting distractions come and go naturally without judging them. When the attention goes to distracting or wandering thoughts, they are not suppressed; instead, the meditator gently brings attention back to the focus. In some types of meditation, the meditator learns to “observe” thoughts and emotions while meditating.
  2. A quiet location. Meditation is usually practiced in a quiet place with as few distractions as possible. This can be particularly helpful for beginners.
  3. A specific, comfortable posture. Depending on the type being practiced, meditation can be done while sitting, lying down, standing, walking, or in other positions.
  4. A focus of attention. Focusing one’s attention is usually a part of meditation. For example, the meditator may focus on a mantra (a specially chosen word or set of words), an object, or the sensations of the breath. Some forms of meditation involve paying attention to whatever is the dominant content of consciousness.
Some of the benefits of meditation are as follows:

  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Experiencing ecstasy, freedom and extended awareness
  • Emotional and physical healing
  • Enhancing creativity
  • Extremely deep relaxation
  • Improving clarity in life
  • Improved brain response to stress and pain
  • Increasing confidence and personal empowerment
  • Opening the heart and healing relationships
  • Curing negativity or self defeating behaviours
  • Improving performance in business or sports
  • Resolving psychological difficulties
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Reduced heart failure
  • Increased IQ
  • Decreased anxiety
  • Increased job satisfaction
Howdy again! So I used the defrost on my microwave for two cycles of 1 min and it dried nicely. It vaped nicely in my Solo. And my my is it potent! Very happy about that since the plant has another week or two.
Thanks for all the info @arty zan I'll read it over. I really like my vapes! They're like potato chips... you can't have just one.
Why would royal queen seeds use this picture as a way to promote their seeds on Instagram??

View attachment 562285
Hmmm strange they would use a picture of a plant fox tailing like this. [Edit] The picture is not used on the RQS site & is most probably a growers crop posted on the RQS instagram page.

Fox tailing is not a desirable trait for some people due to difficulties in trimming and bud appearance but the bud is still good to smoke.

Fox tailing can occur in prolonged flowering especially with sativa/sativa dominant hybrids.

It can also be attributed to heat stress and also possibly influenced by nutrients.

It may be possible the Brazillian Sativa influence from the White Widow part of the breeding process is showing through in the picture?

The picture is from instagram and could be a picture from a grower that has sent to them or posted on there page.

this is a picture from RQS website showing the Royal Creamatic.

Here is the family tree of Royal Creamatic from
royal creamatic.png
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