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Rube Goldberg Machine :thumbsup:
I always forget the names of these contraptions and I have to google things such as "what are contraptions called where one object influences the next" and hope I find them.
I love things like this and love that people take days to make them, knowing any slight slip could ruin it all, by prematurely setting off part of it.
personally I couldn't be arsed messing around doing it but the fished result is amazing.

A Rube Goldberg machine is a contraption, invention, device or apparatus that is deliberately over-engineered to perform a simple task in a complicated fashion, generally including a chain reaction. The expression is named after Americancartoonist and inventor Rube Goldberg (1883–1970).

Watch this :thumbsup:


Poor rube, invents a machine to remind him to go to the barbers but has feck all to cut, go figure.

Play the Video:yay:


Follow the ball, just pick one and see where it goes:frog:
hey arty, are you taking lessons for you micro grow diy equipment?

No mate just working things out as I go mostly.

I've made DIY carbon filters before for other small cabs but everything else is is semi thought out and then I use a bit of trial and error (and endless trawling of internet pages for something that might do the job parts wise etc).

I really need to get a dimmable driver for the LED (cxb3590) as it is so bright in my little space,that I worry that I'll bleach anything that grows in it lol.

It may be a week or two until I get another driver so I may end up germinating and vegging under cool white CFL's (I've done this before with good results).

The cab is coming together I need to cut a blanking plate for the back to make it light tight and to cut a hole in it for the intake fan.

I'm still waiting for some sound damping foam to arrive and then I can put in the mylar.

As for a light baffle, the outtake fan has a carbon filter on it, so no worries there.

The intake fan I may just put a thin square plate type of carbon filter and that should do the trick, without making a finned light trap, which may take up to much space.
I bought one of these kettle plug extensions to plug the fans and light in to, to save space over a traditional four gang extension.

It is smaller but is still to big for my server, which is pretty old (think of beige pc's from yesteryear, which is why I had to paint it black).

The depth from front to back is only 39cm where as modern atx full towers can be up to 60cm.

Thew plan is to get a new axt full tower which will give me a bit more space but one step at a time right now.

I photographed all the steps to make the carbon filter and will post them when I've got the rest of the cab build done.I want to just post a construction log as an AIO, so I can then do a follow along grow journal.

There may be all sorts of minor cock ups and learning curves as I go because I've never grown in such a small space, that why the first run will be a Beta test and no biggy if anything should go a rye.
I am also gonna use an inline RCD (Residual Current Device) a life-saving device which is designed to prevent you from getting a fatal electric shock if you touch something live, such as a bare wire. It can also provide some protection against electrical fires.(Of course there will be no bare wire but I'm a belt and braces kinda guy and always thinking of safety first).

So slowly but surely it is coming together and hopefully should be in operation fairly soon and me and my beloved plant will be reunited :D oh happy day!
Goooooooooooooooood Morining AFN!:coffee::smoking:

Hey Clive S toners, I did promise earlier on in Clive S Toners to bring you some Gibberish if I could find some, along with some mirth and merryment, well I think I have just found some,for your delight and delectation.

He's an oldie but a goody, who am I talking about??? well it is the inimitable "Stanley Unwin".

stanley unwin.jpg

If you think the poem "The Jaberwocky" was a little strange and off the wall, you aint heard nothing yet (baby) when this old fruit waxes lyrical.

So without further a do here's your morning wake up call. settle back,with a nice big cup of coffee & light a fat one and drift of in to a world of utter & total non-sense :D

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Kitty... kitty... come here little one ! (this could sound wrong, but I am all about it sounding right)

Could I please get the Fat plus Rep Kitty @arty zan please mate?

Hey sour.b :bighug::) , I don't give out badges, that's Mossy's reserve but good news, I have put your request in for one, in the Badge Request section of the forum.

Please be patient as Mossy is a busy girl but I have no doubt you will be granted your wish, as you have over 1000 likes.

Have a great Sunday:smoking:

Peace bro Arty :D
Morning Stoners!
What's the buzz???

Hitting the road soon, on the way back home.
Later folks!
Happy Sunday Stoners! Beautiful spring morning, not a cloud in the sky toady! Have the door and windows open to air out the house. Just wanted to throw this out there.....I dont always listen to Metallica, but when I do, so do the neighbors!:thumbsup:
Happy Sunday Stoners! Beautiful spring morning, not a cloud in the sky toady! Have the door and windows open to air out the house. Just wanted to throw this out there.....I dont always listen to Metallica, but when I do, so do the neighbors!:thumbsup:
Shame about the crappy Temps though! :hookah:
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