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villain..I'm getting the hang of gluten free Yorkshire the paella pan..

Gimme Gimme....drool, slobber, slurp.....and Chips ......nom nom nom.....tuna....fresh veg.....dribble......easy way ticket to Espanyol......bugger!!!...passport out of date.!!...bugger !....feck feck feck......beans on toast....again....crying.....sob sob....sniffle .....sad hungry penguin.......tormented.....eP
quitcherbitchin! You could be here:

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Pop22 I see you've had a mild winter so far. Shouldn't those snow banks be six feet by now and riddled with tunnels and forts holding snow ball reserves? An occasional car that won't move til spring?
I guess childhood memories always seem bigger. Pity the delivery truck on our street during a battle. Hostilities would stop to pepper the invader from both sides. I liked our snowball wars. Nobody won, nobody lost then we had cocoa.
Gimme Gimme....drool, slobber, slurp.....and Chips ......nom nom nom.....tuna....fresh veg.....dribble......easy way ticket to Espanyol......bugger!!!...passport out of date.!!...bugger !....feck feck feck......beans on toast....again....crying.....sob sob....sniffle .....sad hungry penguin.......tormented.....eP

Hmmm.....don't feel sorry for him..........dooon't....:nono:..don't send him the fare..or any extra food...

Villan, that was very close to my dinner, but it was turkey not beef.

My piggy little penguin detector is going off...............:headbang:..he's been Fed.

Am I that transparent ? Do you see through me that easily ?

I need a completely different tactic don't I ? Bugger !

How about if I appeal to your.......naw forget it. That won't work. Hmmm, I will get back t ya all.....

I get it.....Don't feed the Penguin.....B'stards.....
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