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Same problem back here in UK! Had a 55kph gust here an hour ago! Washing won't dry as there is 80% RH!!

WTF is going on? :shrug:

I`m off out t`get some essential mood reliever(Bolli :cheersmate: )...I got a voucher that gets me £6 off £40s worth of shopping(waitrose) and `big yella` is in the sky(just hope I don`t lose m``s a tad breezy out there :windy: :toke:
If there is a section in the infirmary with pictures of plants with problems to help folks identify what's wrong with their grow, I've got one to submit. Diagnosis follows:


Symptom: Ripped, torn looking ends on one or two leaves, some deformation around tears.
Cause: Your kitty sneaked into your closet and started chewing on your plants when you weren't looking.:cools:
If there is a section in the infirmary with pictures of plants with problems to help folks identify what's wrong with their grow, I've got one to submit. Diagnosis follows:

View attachment 529473 View attachment 529474

Symptom: Ripped, torn looking ends on one or two leaves, some deformation around tears.
Cause: Your kitty sneaked into your closet and started chewing on your plants when you weren't looking.:cools:

I had a cat that would devour whole seedlings..... little fecker...always had watch out where the furry thing was hiding before opening or closing the grow room door.
Yeah it's blowing a freaking storm here today...i didn't move to the Riviera for this shit...and now your telling me there is weather in Spain too.....What size was it?...see if we can't get you a new one cheap from the UK

Yeah..we get weather in Spain too...:coffee:...just not as Often...:windy:

Cheers for the offer..but we are going to have a Think on a better way to cover it..:thumbsup:..
I checked Amazon..£60 for the cover..£64 to Ship it..:grrr2:..yeah Right.
One of the big DIY stores near us do them..not much more than the UK I know I can get a hold of one.

I just got logged out of site and lost most of a long is so long since it happened..I forgot to copy before I posted...:doh:

I am sorry to hear about your Polytunnel @Mossy.

Cheers @Qman1515 ..I'm philosophical..:smoker:..I only expected it to last a year.
used to have a small one and we replaced the cover every spring..:thumbsup:

Same problem back here in UK! Had a 55kph gust here an hour ago! Washing won't dry as there is 80% RH!!

I'm sure I glimpsed on the news that thee me and Hazy were all being hit by the same weather front..

I`m off out t`get some essential mood reliever(Bolli :cheersmate: )

Oh Enjoy...:cheers:

Cause: Your kitty sneaked into your closet and started chewing on your plants when you weren't looking.:cools:

Yup..the older dog is like that too..if she has an upset tummy or she is irritated she self medicates.
It is not a problem on mature plants..she just nibbles the leaves..but if they are seedlings I have lost full plants...:biggrin:
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