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What is your sunrise sunset times now trailanimal.. how many hours are you getting..?

about 4hrs direct, 8 hrs useable, solar panels are contributing again, by the end of month they will be smoke'in. Thanks Mossy!

Always look on the bright side of life..:vibe:..did you hear me singing that...?..:coffee:
Just look out the back window..:biggrin:


That was my thought too Mikey..cheers...:thumbsup:

Cheers pop..:doh:..I'll Blame old age..:smoker:..not me bad habit.


Spoken like a True Stoner...:hookah:

:bighug: I haven't seen that problem come up before..:shrug:..but we are Glad you are start getting caught up with the compulsory worship...:pass:
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varmints beware, Uzi is on patrol
Was looking around for the little "Wormie" water sensor thingies that someone had posted about in a thread, when a search for terracotta water sensors led me to the "CobraCo Plant Sitter" auto watering system. Any thoughts or experience with this with MJ (auto or otherwise)?

CobraCo Sitter

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