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No penguin should be incarcerated for a non violent crime, maybe restitution, like a couple of buds to the store manager, corruption does work, lol

No...No...a good spanking is in order....Let's try and be good next time...
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Good Evening AFN Stoners...:yay1:...

any one out there into homebrewing? I am, hundreds of miles to the closest liquor store. Been working with turbo yeast and distillers yeast, and, this is the way to get ethanol if you aren't on the road system. Clean clean product about 20% alcohol

Hmm....Lives in the arctic circle..hundreds of miles from the nearest brew shop..and goes by the name IS the abominable snowman isn't you...?..I Know it...:vibe::vibe::vibe:..don't be shy..we won't tell a soul...

Oh a Mossy Wiggle in penguin..Cool Mikey B..:thumbsup:

I'm gonna have to make apple cider jack...but not if it's illegal. ....bwaahahahaha..cough..cough..burgle burgle burgle.


The peppercorn market is a hard grind right now.:crying:


Maybe I can git my wife back on edibles. ..she gets really bad paranoia with the edibles. .I think it's hilarious when she does but she doesn't think my laughing helps we'll try the pepper thing.

:thumbsup: Let us know..I have a hubby the same when the Dragons are too strong for it is handy to know..

missed the last couple of pages,so do I snort or smoke the pepper ? :shrug:


Okay Mr Epenquin. Is that a Black Peppercorn grinder in your pocket? Or are you happy to see me?

You and me got the same image BayLee..:thumbsup:
Oh yes, worshiping away like a good un. Number 1 child upstairs in room, number 2 child watching tv, wife to be at work. Daddy stood by the back door with computer and a long big fat one with a beer before a nice chill out in the bath. I love Friday nights.:pass::worship::pop:
any one out there into homebrewing? I am, hundreds of miles to the closest liquor store. Been working with turbo yeast and distillers yeast, and, this is the way to get ethanol if you aren't on the road system. Clean clean product about 20% alcohol

Have you figured out how to turn that stuff into a smaller and stronger substance?
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