Aunty started Live Stoners in July 2014. And we are still getting the munchies, posting all sorts of trash talk, having a great laugh, wondering wha' the fe ' etc etc etc
Long may it continue. Mikeyb congrats on being first on page 1,000......I think I got a surprise award for being the first to post on page 420 !!!!
It is so cool that we can chew the fat, have a laugh and gossip the days away, without anyone calling names or trolling or flaming. That is a testament to all the members. Long may the AFN "Vibe" is what WE make it.......
And the winner of last weekends Caption Comp is....................Aunty Mossy.......cuz I like sucking up to the Boss......and she makes me laugh. As do you all. Thanks for joining in.......eP.