Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat September to January 2020

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I think I've read something about copper keeping them out....maybe a ring of salt if nothing is growing in the soil traps too :shrug:I'm lucky and don't have them so I'm not much help:smoking:
Yeah don't want that happening for sure lol the damn snails are terrible enough round here this year I found over 60 on 3 plants they kept coming back with dust spread and de
Here is a poster of the wild life you find in my area:

ScreenHunter_207 Sep. 16 17.13.jpg

I am Looking!

I think I've read something about copper keeping them out....maybe a ring of salt if nothing is growing in the soil traps too :shrug:I'm lucky and don't have them so I'm not much help:smoking:
I never thought bout salt:face: wow the easiest thing and plenty around and never crossed my mind. I know it'll fudge em up from being a kid and putting it on slugs and snails lol damn kids
Actually we have a breeding pair of Red Tail Hawks (they raised three chicks this past season) and the Tree Squirrels they eat. There was a rash of missing Chihuahua around here this spring :rolleyes1:. A big Opossum and babies in season, Lots of Canadian Geese and ducks. So even though I am in the city animals adapt. Did I mention the rat? I saw a rat half the size of our cat the other night passing through the front yard. Our cat just watched it as well. :kitty: much too big for a toy.
I never thought bout salt:face: wow the easiest thing and plenty around and never crossed my mind. I know it'll fudge em up from being a kid and putting it on slugs and snails lol damn kids
Don't put salt on your soil. It will foul it for many years.
@Mañ'O'Green the vape pen you use can you put straight oil into it with no addatives? Like for those silly enough to smoke qwiso could you put it straight into the pen?
Evening all. Local wildlife: ermine, mink, raccoon, skunk, possum, bobcat, too freaking many turkeys, whitetail deer, occasional porcupine or black bear, five types of squirrel, many migratory warblers and waterfowl pass through or stay here for summer, sand hill cranes, hawks, and always coyotes. Up north a bit further they've got ravens, bears, elk and moose. At least not all of them are herbivores. It's kinda tough gardening or raising chickens or pheasants here, which I have and it's a constant battle.
ok, jus to chime in with local wildlife, we got robinz, sparrowz, dovez, blue jayz, sandpiperz, woodpeckerz, chicken hawkz, geese, duckz, squirrelz, deer, groundhogz, racoonz, possumz, skunkz, foxez, coyotez, and of course, plenty o' dogz & catz :kitty: :coffee: ppp
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