We can drive to town now. The town down there isn't much though lol. It's 120 miles with 40 miles of gravel road at our end. But for the last 15 years or so we've made a yearly trip to Seattle on the ferry with our pickup truck and loaded that up and sent stuff up here by barge. It's quite a trip but has gotten real expensive Before that it was a yearly or twice trip by boat to a larger town(still tiny). We can get stuff on the mail plane too either mail order from the source or from the store in town. We aren't actually on the road either it's a skiff ride away across the bay We don't lock the doors:smoking:@Jraven I just had a random stoner thought....how do you guys get groceries up there? Living in the middle of bfn here we do a town run every month/6 weeks and do a big shop but I'm guessing you guys don't have a town in reasonable driving distance?