Feels good to be able to log back in and see old faces .
Going to make this short and compact as possible on why I needed to "ghost" the forum for awhile.
Some of the AFN family new about my current situation with my father falling ill, and a move back to my home state was inevitable to help with family.
We had a going away party just about a month and a half before our move to say goodbye to our friends.
Fast forward two weeks before our move. ....
Get a knock on the door, local LEO... They say that they had a lead that there was a grow operation in the house. I simply asked them if they had a search warrant. He stated to me , not at this time but, if I do not let him in he will get one. I said, lets wait on that then. At that time, the officer can see down my hallway entrance and sees my wife exiting the bathroom with what the officer says was a gun, but in fact a hair dryer....guess what happen next...yup, guns drawn and they came in.
Remember...we were in the transition of moving, everything is packed up..Grown room torn down cleaned, sanitized etc.
They immediately go to were the grow room was, I thought that very odd that they knew where it was.
They look of disappointment was almost priceless on the LEOs faces. Anyways, they started going through our packed boxes. eventually finding the grow equipment in the boxes in the garage. I HAD NO ACTIVE GROW , we did have a jar of smoke, around 12g that was out in the open in our bedroom.
Off to jail I go, $20,000 security bound. Thankfully, I do have a few lawyer friends , I was out in 6 hours. The wife was not taken in.
Anyways, I got hooked up with a lawyer via a state chapter that is trying to legalize smoke, and fight for ones charged with marijuana cases.
We met, he assured me that after reading the report and also the fact that the "evidence" they had was basically bullshit. The evidence you ask , which prompted the knock on the door you ask? Remember that party?. Well, my stupid ass didnt lock our bedroom door, and during the party a girl was snooping around and found the grow in out closet, she took pictures of the plants. She then , from what I learned from my lawyer, tried to use those pictures as leverage when she got busted for OWI. but, she failed to take pictures of anything that could put those plants in my house, no identifiable markers , could have been taken anywhere my lawyer said.
Lawyer said, the entry was bullshit, and the search there after was illegal , due to the fact that they did not have a warrant, and after finding that the "gun" was in fact a hairdryer, all investigation should have ceased, however anything in plan sight was fair game....the weed in the jar...etc
Basically all the evidence that the LEOs took was not admissible do to illegal search...the DA said .. I had seeds, lights , nutrients, tent. Simple answer to the DA....there was no active grow, sure possession of seeds and a little marijuana, but my client is a very active gardener, ( of course I had pictures of those gardening actives) which he uses those items in the winter months.
Lawyer wanted me to "Ghost" my activity on any forums about growing until this was resolved. Which it was relsolved...I stepped into a courtroom once to plead not guilty...after that it was just my lawyer trading punches with the DA
Final outcome... Simple possession, $125.00 . They had to give ALL my equipment back...EXCEPT ALL BY SEEDS!!!!
You damn right i'm getting another room ready as I type.