Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Gawd.....did I say how much I Love Frogs......?....


But..a bit like tobacco. If you look at how to dry and process your own is enough to put you off trying to grow and process your own.

I grew tobacco just to grow is a very happy easy plant....:watering:

Our paid help was down and he asked if I was planning on smoking it.

I said no.. it's a pain in the arse to process...and he went father grows his own tobacco all the time.

You cut the whole plant down...hang it with airflow until it is dry..then stone in a dry place until you need it.

When you do...just crumble a leaf off.

Almost exactly what we do with cannabis.....:headbang:....and guess what...he was Spot on....

Growing and processing your own tobacco is no harder than growing your own cannabis....:watering:..

Adding salt peter and 200 odd other chemicals is down to commercial preparation and preservation.
Thats really cool to know! I read a little bit about it years ago and was put off by the supposed extra work to process.
I tried vaping for a bit a few years ago and the best flavor i came across was cool mint strawberry mango. It was hard to put down it tasted good!
This one is like that. I normally go for strawberry ice or blue raz ice. But glad I tried this one.
Been a while sense I popped in with an update. For you're viewing pleasure this morning we have Dream Beans Blueberry Diamonds, and a Garlic Parm.


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Thats really cool to know! I read a little bit about it years ago and was put off by the supposed extra work to process.

Me too..... :headbang: ..dry it..stick it in mason jars...job is so much more aromatic than shop bought.

But my SIL who is a tobacco smoker identified it as Old Holborn as soon as he tasted it...:biggrin: