Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

I was a crazy kid about 21. I had a couple years on the fire dept at the time.
My District Chief was pissed. He transferred me out of the district over it. Lol
F*** em.
Respect, Fireman Dirte’. And I feel ya, I got out at 10yrs, But ya, hahah I was mid rank, part of shiz rolls down hill
I never tried to make rank. No way I was going to put up with trying to tell a bunch of union fighters what to do. I lasted 23 years and got a retirement. I am very thankful for getting that job so young. I hated the politics
And guys that thought they just signed up to be a hero, there was a bunch of dirty work to be done. Should have at least tried to make Lt because shiz definitely rolls down hill. Lol
Just another look from the pioneer of living cocos small garden 🪴 the strain is goofiez
What do you mean living coco? Whats your grow thread called so i can check it out? Looking good!

What do you mean living coco? Whats your grow thread called so i can check it out? Looking good!
I have a few one is called the world’s first organic living coco growers thread then there’s Dankstyle jars poetry of plants 2 both would showcase a style of growing some have duplicated but did not invent my threads are the oldest on the subject