don't play with bats, bad idea all round.2 people around here were trying to harvest bat guano from an attic.
They caught some kind of dumbass disease and died.
decent fertilizer, but potentially dangerous - don't buy it unless it is heat treated.Local bat shit goes for $40/lb around here last time I heard of somebody using itI've never tried it but plants that grow underneath shutters that have bats living behind them grow much better then without bat shit
Our mutt has many toys, most she knows by name. A friend of ours keeps bringing them as gifts when we visit. There's foxy, pinky, porky, rabbit, bluey, beaver. And more, you get the idea. All floppy with squeakers. She puts on quite the performance when she decides it is time for a rant with a toy. At times, she has done this in the motel room, and I have wondered if the neighbours figured that someone was being killed.
OTOH, rumour has it that the smell of baby powder does it for the ladies. I wonder why.I want everyone to know that I am now a Dr Squatch soap user. I was a skeptic. For years. Then I bought two scents, including their pine tar soap, which is fucking intense. I actually landed a date because of Dr Squatch (no shitting.) Was told that I smelled rugged, like the outdoors. Well, that's because it was the sweet smell of pine tar. Someone said once "I'd like to take pine tar and freeze it into ice cubes and skate on it and then melt it down in the summer and drink it." None of those things is feasible or advisable or probably really practical. So they made soap out of it. For squatches. And men. Or I guess women that want to smell like men. Which is a real thing. No judgements in 2025. freaks
Have you grown with autopots yet? If not, and you are using salt nutes, keep the EC/PPM at the low end of the recommended range even for autoflowers. All subirrigation setups suffer from salt buildup if salt nutes are used. When I used autopots, every grow would need flushing late in the grow due to this. I no longer use them with salt nutes, but they do great with soil and water only.Anybody else using a tray2grow? I don’t think growing can get much simpler lol
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Well I'll be damned. I like passkeys now that I have some idea how they work. We will be seeing lots more of them, Microsoft figures that passwords will soon be obsolete, but I will believe that when I see it. Thanks for the head's up.Yes log out and before you sign in look at the bottom of pop up window it should say login using passkey I swore I used it the other night but its work wrk now it does take two devices I believe
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