Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

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Here you can have what's left when you pass me the coffee...........☕
Take a few pulls off this freshly ground well aged RUCU CUCU!!
RUCU CUCU will be my next seed making project. :eyebrows::eyebrows:
I'm thinking that I'm probably gonna have it at the same scale as Asian Haze.
I've just heard the patio door click followed by hubby saying aye...get out you dirty arsed twat..... :crying:

The Princess has farted and poisoned the cabin.......:crying:
My uncle's English bulldog would come into the shop in the winter time and lay by the wood stove. Missy would get all comfortable, fall asleep and then proceed with her World War 1 gas attack!
If you heard my uncle say, "God Dammit Missy!", you had better run for the door!:face::crying::crying:

That silly ass wife of his would mainly feed her from the dining room table!

The stench was 1000 times worse than a sanitary tank on a submarine!
I remember getting in my first job of replacing a tank level indicator on a sanitary tank on the USS San Francisco. The boat is supposed to clean and flush the tank in preparation for the job. When I went down to the job site, it was ridiculously filthy. I went to the chief engineer to get him to have someone redo the job. When I found him he was talking with the commanding officer, discussing the progress of various jobs aboard the boat. As I was waiting for him to finish his update, he gave an incorrect status on one of my other jobs I had a board the boat. It was among the mission critical jobs I had a board that boat, so I felt I needed to properly inform the commanding officer of the status.

So I politely interrupted them and informed the commanding officer of the proper status. The chief engineer did not like me correcting him and took offense. He made a half-assed remark about me thinking my shit don't stink and I replied, "I'm pretty sure my wife would disagree with you! Just as well, I'm going to disagree with you signing off that your sanitary tank has been cleaned and washed out. CHENG, YOUR shit DOES stink!"

I could just tell that absolutely pissed him off to no end, the quite rapid reddening of his face and the expansion of his blood vessels in his neck told the tale. So to add insult to injury in front of his commanding officer, "CHENG, this is the third time you have fraudulently sighed a step in a SUBSAFE controlled work package on one of my jobs in the last month!"

" It is lack of attention to details and total disregard of quality assurance procedures, such as this, that almost led to the sinking of the USS Sargo a few months ago."
I turned to the commanding officer and said, " Sir, can I be assured that you will handle this matter?" He nodded yes and I left for my next problem child!:crying::crying::crying::crying:

Scrannabis......... :crying:

Did you see that they are moving Spannibis to Bilbao next year? Bummer....The venue is going to be razed. Although Bilbao is great. just doesn't seem right. They stated they're still looking for spots in/around Barcelona for the future