How does everyone else feel about this?
These are meant to be "do what you want with them" seeds. There are a lot of packs that we were sent; I think that with the amount and diversity of the breeder packs, there's just no real way to get "one of every body" out every single month, at least I'm not totally sure how we would do that without having either multiple winners or multiple contests (and then costs start to go up, so that's a consideration too.)
In that same breath, I'd like for us to be able to sponsor growers with seeds for grow-and-show's with what was sent, or to supplement possible existing grow-and-show's if the breeders are sponsoring them. I mean, there's a LOT of seeds here. And I mean A LOT. And we haven't even gotten through like what, 1/2? Maybe a 1/3? Of all the breeders on here and friends of?