Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

If it happens everyday then its not water its excessive light that does that! They always droop some at bedtime but that extreme usually means they hit their DLI and droop some and when lights out hits it becomes excessive! ;) :d5:
I read anywhere from excess light, my DLI measures 46 adjusted back now to 37, to RH, mine is set to 55%, or over/under watered
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38 doesn't seem like too much light. How long are you letting them sleep?
18/6 light schedule, but my previous post is flawed, I just checked again and now I get 46 DLI, so I turned the light down 30% and now I'm getting a DLI reading of 37. I think Fruitz may be right about to much light.
18/6 light schedule, but my previous post is flawed, I just checked again and now I get 46 DLI, so I turned the light down 30% and now I'm getting a DLI reading of 37. I think Fruitz may be right about to much light.

My photoperiod SLIC was doing this during lights on too and wanted more water I can't water the pot enough the more I do the more she perks up but I'm in coco:pass:
My photoperiod SLIC was doing this during lights on too and wanted more water I can't water the pot enough the more I do the more she perks up but I'm in coco:pass:
I'm thinking I did not have the diffusor on my phone properly when I used the photone app. I liked photone better when I could use it without a diffusor with my android. If you dont put it on just right, u get way off readings.
I'm thinking I did not have the diffusor on my phone properly when I used the photone app. I liked photone better when I could use it without a diffusor with my android. If you dont put it on just right, u get way off readings.

Yeah you need to be caeful but I remember someone saying it's more accurate with iPhone I always used it with iPhone until I got a par meter. Either way even 46dli isn't crazy high plant should take it if everything else is in line :pass:

Yeah you need to be caeful but I remember someone saying it's more accurate with iPhone I always used it with iPhone until I got a par meter. Either way even 46dli isn't crazy high plant should take it if everything else is in line :pass:

Couple years ago I did a comparison using my android and my daughters iphone, and we got exactly the same readings. But that was before some update and now androids require a diffusor.
Since all the grow shops in my area are out of business, I order my dirt from Wally mart online and it arrives by truck :toke:


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I was 15 and thinking I aint never gonna get laid, now i think the other guys were just bull shit'n liars.
With age, comes wisdom, sometimes, among other things. :pighug:
I’ve had several do it. Most grow out of it.
Never had it affect a plant negatively.
I've had lots of plants that are droopy, it has not seemed to do much harm. I have pretty much given up chasing it. I think genetics are a big part of the issue, but likely in cooperation with other influences. My current pollen plants that I am playing with are at ~42% RH, maybe ~70F, and underwatered (in solos with coco, manual fertigation), and they are all seriously droopy.

OTOH, maybe it is a reaction to keeping the coco wet, whatever, I have not been able to figure it out. :pighug: