Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '25

Good morning @Mossy hope youre having a great morning so far. The job search has basically begun. Im building up my resumé, just making it current, adding recent work experience and such. I may be moving, not sure yet. Ill find out soon enough. Everything is good tho, and im not worried, i have alot of faith that everything will work out and if i have to move itll just be somewhere better ill make sure lol. Gotta clean and restatt the photo period tent, gonna run some awesome Dutch Passion strains. Blue Zushi, and something new and nameless lol. Really excited for that!
all quiet & xtra cold....current temp is -8f....coldest nite we've had so far, brrr! :snow2: one more day of bitter cold, then we'll start pullin out of it over the weekend :joy: ppp
Good morning @Mossy hope youre having a great morning so far. The job search has basically begun. Im building up my resumé, just making it current, adding recent work experience and such. I may be moving, not sure yet. Ill find out soon enough. Everything is good tho, and im not worried, i have alot of faith that everything will work out and if i have to move itll just be somewhere better ill make sure lol. Gotta clean and restatt the photo period tent, gonna run some awesome Dutch Passion strains. Blue Zushi, and something new and nameless lol. Really excited for that!

Morning @KingRatt :bighug:... #SharingOne :pass:

I suppose where you work dictates where you can comfortably live.

We spend enough time at work without an hour's commute each way.....:headbang:
all quiet & xtra cold....current temp is -8f....coldest nite we've had so far, brrr! :snow2: one more day of bitter cold, then we'll start pullin out of it over the weekend :joy: ppp

Gawd........:bighug:...hug for body heat. That is bad...glad it is passing.......:pass:

We are overcast and cover is like having a duvet traps the warmth from the day.